TEA Ed-Fi IODS Connection (Parallel Year)

Location: Administrator>Site Settings

Reference TEA’s training documentation for adding an application in order to generate a Key and Secret for OnDataSuite. Claim Set Name should be set to “Read-Only All Resources”.

TEAL Admin

OnDataSuite TEA Ed-Fi IODS Connection

  • For the 23-24 Parallel school year, on the 2024 Year row, Enter Key and Secret and click Activate to initiate the pull from the TEA Ed-Fi IODS.
  • For the 24-25 school year, on the 2025 Year row, copy and paste the Key and Secret from TEAL. As of this update, OnDataSuite will store this information until the Activation to initiate the pull from the 2025 TEA Ed-Fi IODS is operational.

The additional screenshots below, apply to the 23-24 connection for Parallel TSDS Upgrade.

  • These will be updated for the 24-25 school year once the activation is operational.
  • The first check is a Vendor health check to make sure OnDataSuite can connect to all of the endpoints. If this fails, you will continue to see this error message until this is corrected in the TEAL DMC to the correct claim set name of Read-Only All Resources. Once that has been corrected, reenter the Key and Secret and click Update to initiate the pull again.
  • If the Vendor health check passes and all is connecting properly, the Activate button will eventually change to a yellow box with a message and spinner indicating the pull is occurring.
    • Note you can navigate away from this screen at any point to continue working in other areas.
  • Once the load is complete, you will see an Update button and should still see the Status of Connected. It will be rare to have to visit this screen again once a successful initial pull has occurred.
  • A Status of Invalid could indicate a number of issues including TEA Ed-Fi is down, Incorrect Key, and/or Incorrect Secret. Please ensure the Key and Secret are correct and that TEA is operational before submitting a ticket for assistance.
  • To get the Activate button again:
    • Refresh the screen
    • Reenter the Key and Secret
      • Best Practice: Copy and Paste the Key and Secret straight from TEAL.
    • Click Activate
Updated on 07/26/2024

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