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Unauthorized Suspensions For Grade Levels Less Than 3rd Grade

Summary: New to 2017-2018 school year, HB674 states that a student who is enrolled in a grade level below grade three may not be placed in out of school suspensions with the exception of some action reason codes. This report displays students who are below the grade level of three and have one of the unallowable suspensions.

Usage: Review the report to see students below the grade level of 03 being suspended for unallowable action reason codes and determine causes such as coding or training issues.

Special Notes: 

  • Report displays all disciplinary incidents for informational purposes, but uses the criteria listed below to create the list.
  • Mimics Business Rule 44425-0072

Data Sources: PEIMS Summer Submission

  • Interchange Student Enrollment
  • Interchange Student Discipline


  • Grade < 03 (EE, PK, KG, 01, and 02) AND
  • At least one disciplinary record with a Disciplinary Action Code of 05 or 25 AND
  • Disciplinary Action Reason code not equal 04, 05, 11, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 62, or 64
    • Note: Code 13 was last reported in 2019-2020
  • Data Elements:
    • 40110 – Student School Association Extension Complex Type
      • Grade E0017
    • 44425 – Discipline Incident Complex Type
      • Campus E0782
      • Disciplinary Incident Number E1016
    • 44425 – Discipline Action Extension Complex Type
      • Disciplinary Action Code E1005 C164
    • 44425 – Student Discipline Incident Association Extension Complex Type
      • Disciplinary Action Reason E1006 C165

Features: Filter on year and discipline campus id of enrollment

Resources for qualifications and calculations:

Updated on 06/26/2024

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