With the 24-25 move to reporting data to TEA through Ed-Fi API connections into your designated TEA IODS from your SIS/ERP vendor, OnDataSuite is providing details in the File Center – TSDS – Ed-FI API per submission to reflect the data flowing from the TEA IODS into OnDataSuite.
How do you review that data? From the File Center – Data Sources – TSDS Ed-Fi API menu, scroll to the specific Submission you are wanting to verify data has promoted into OnDataSuite.

The blue Info link on each submission row will display details by data category and entity.
Any reporting tied to a specific TSDS Submission is updated in OnDataSuite reporting based upon the Promoted records from your TEA IODS (Records).
API_Fall Info Example:

API_Summer Info Example:

Utilize this feature regarding any API_Submission to verify promotion is occuring of the required data elements.
***Note: Promotion logic is applied utilizing the TEA published Data Collection documentaiton https://www.texasstudentdatasystem.org/tsds/about/data-collection-documentation. As OnDataSuite is able to identify updates or TEA publishes changes to meet the current year reporting requirements, we implement the logic in the nighty promotion logic schedule for your LEA (Administrator – Site Settings – TEA Ed-Fi IODS Connection).