OnDataSuite (ODS) reporting related to ADA is based primarily upon PEIMS reported data. Dropout Recovery districts/campuses are not reported as such in PEIMS.
ODS is working on identifying the additional data sources for Dropout Recovery district/campus idenfication to provide the required Summary of Finance (SOF) Dropout Recovery ADA for funding projections.
In the meantime, there are two ADA reports in ODS that an LEA may use with the Year and Campus filter options to capture the Dropout Recovery ADA. Depending upon how the LEA administers the Dropout Recovery program dictates which report to access.

- Refined ADA Report will provide by campus (filter) the respective ADA for non-OFSDP programs.

- Flexible Attendance Refined ADA Report will provide by campus the OFSDP program ADA. Use the Campus filter to select the appropriate campuses for details by campus. The report defaults to Program Type – OFSDP (verify).

Please utilize the ODS Ticket System to provide additional requests or recommendations on this issue.