TEA evaluates Census Tiers for Compensatory Education funding annually and rebalances the assigned Census Block Groups to Census Tier. This may or may not change your Census Tier Funding year to year as reflected on the HB3 Compensatory Education Report.
The ODS report uses the latest published TEA Census Tier Mapping for the respective school year. https://tea.texas.gov/texas-schools/general-information/census-block-group-tools (right side under State Funding)
- If you are uncertain about the Census Tier mapping change for a Census Block Group, look up the Census Block Group in the respective TEA Census Tier Mapping resource.
To review your Census Block Group mapping to Census Tiers as of the latest Fall PEIMS files loaded in ODS, reference the Bookmark – LEA Cloud Sharing report – Fall Enrollment Mapping Census Block Group to Census Tiers (GEOID). This should assist with identifying any Census Block Group number changes reported in your Fall PEIMS file, as well as if the TEA Census TIer Mapping changed.

From the report use the Edit Report option to update the years included on the report.