XML Review for 2024-2025

We are currently accepting 2024-2025 XML files IF your SIS or ERP will allow you to extract these using the 2023-2024 format (will not reflect changes for 2024-2025).

Purpose: to compare XML counts with Ed-Fi counts using ad hoc querying

Please note there will be no ability to run TSDS Business Rules on XML data.

File Center>Data Sources>TSDS XML or CSV >PEIMS

Load the 2024-2025 PEIMS XML interchanges here as you have always done in the past.

XML Review

After loading 2024-2025 PEIMS XML interchanges, navigate to the XML Review tab in the top blue menu bar and choose the appropriate category (Student, Staff, Finance). They will be bold if XML data is loaded for 24-25 for the respective category.

At this point, you can create queries (Report Center Ad-Hoc reporting) on the XML data elements by Student, Staff, Finance to compare to queries created on the Ed-Fi data elements which are reported in the respective Student, Staff, Finance Report Center.

In addition, the following custom reports with XML data counts for comparison are available by Student, Staff and Finance :
*NOTE: the “comparison reports” require the data reporting in your Ed-Fi API and in the XML file .

Fall PEIMS XML Data and Summer PEIMS XML Data categories are available for ad-hoc reporting.

Student – Fall Student Data Review with XML Comparison Column

This report provides a comparison of your latest 24-25 XML Fall File to your latest 24-25 Ed-Fi API Fall load.

Student – Summer XML PEIMS Checklist

This provides a XML view only. To compare to Ed-Fi, run the same report in Student > Student Custom Reports > PEIMS Summary and Review Report > Summer PEIMS Checklist and review side by side.

Fall PEIMS Staff and Finance (Budget) data is available for comparison in XML under XML Review – Staff or XML Review – Finance

This report provides a comparison of your latest 24-25 XML Fall File to your latest 24-25 Ed-Fi API Fall load with Staff and Finance related data.

Fall PEIMS Finance/Staff Data Review with XML Comparison Column

Student and Staff Profiles

Added 2024-2025 XML elements to

  • Student Profile>Fall PEIMS>Fall Enrollment
  • Staff Profile>PEIMS>Employment History – Fall
  • Staff Profile>PEIMS>Payroll Accounting – Fall
  • Staff Profile>PEIMS>Responsibilities – Fall
Updated on 09/13/2024

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