Go Live 2024-2025 Status


  • PEIMS Fall Promotion Logic – Fix has been released to put students in the correct Fall Snapshot or Not Enrolled in Snapshot counts according to the as of status codes and display information that was missing.
    • This process will take some time to conclude on all LEAs, so please check 9/19/2024 before submitting a ticket if there are still issues.


  • Reorganized the Info link for API files for better readability (less wrapping)
  • PEIMS Fall Promotion Logic – An update was made over the weekend that attempted to move as of status students = C, E, G to the Not Enrolled in Snapshot counts instead of in Fall Snapshot counts. Due to this update, some data such as gender, ethnicity, and race and more disappeared. We are currently working on correcting these issues.
  • PEIMS Summer – The basic attendance (not special program attendance) should now be promoting successfully and displaying in reports. We recommend running the Refined ADA Report and drilling down into the First Six Weeks ADA value to review student data.


  • Ed-Fi Rules now available in beta format for PEIMS Fall
    • Initial run for all LEAs occurring weekend of 9/14-15
    • Subsequent runs will occur with nightly pulls if any data is changed on the TEA IODS landing zone
    • Currently, you can view LEA rules down to the detail level
    • Next to come: Campus filter, Updated views to show more information per rule, Export to Excel capabilities, Notifications
  • RF Tracker API files are being removed from the File Center and API pulls are being turned off temporarily to address issues
  • Summer promotion logic is still being tested by programming staff


  • Updated the Info link for the API files in the File Center>Data Sources>TSDS Ed-Fi>Ed-Fi API tab to show a more comprehensive view of the Subcategory/Domain/Entity records


  • Added ability to modify Nightly Data Pull Schedule time on the Administrator>Site Settings>TEA Ed-Fi IODS Connection screen


  • API Promotion Status
    • Currently promoting Charter School Waitlist, PEIMS Fall, PEIMS Summer (beginning stages of testing), RF Tracker (beginning stages of testing)
    • Next: Class Roster Winter
  • TEA Business Rules for PEIMS Fall now anticipated to be released around 9/15/2024
    • Please note there will be no ability to run TSDS Business Rules on XML data.


  • Added new reports to the XML Review sections
    • Student
      • Fall Student Data Review with XML Comparison Column
      • Summer XML PEIMS Checklist
    • Staff and Finance
      • Fall PEIMS Finance/Staff Data Review with XML Comparison Column
  • Added 2024-2025 XML elements to the student and staff profiles
    • Student Profile>Fall PEIMS>Fall Enrollment
    • Staff Profile>PEIMS>Employment History – Fall
    • Staff Profile>PEIMS>Payroll Accounting – Fall
    • Staff Profile>PEIMS>Responsibilities – Fall


  • We are currently awaiting a fix from TEA involving TX/reportingPeriodExts before we can continue with the 2025 summer promotion logic. No ETA at this time.


  • Some LEAs are having issues with the Key and Secret on the TEA Ed-Fi IODS Connection screen. We have added this statement to our instructions:
    • Note: Due to characters such as I (capital I) or l (lowercase L) being interpreted differently depending on keyboard attributes, etc., it is highly advisable to first paste the key and secret to Notepad or Notepad++ and then copy/paste that to the Key and Secret in OnDataSuite.


  • Ensure successful connection by entering key/secret on the Administrator>Site Settings>TEA Ed-Fi IODS Connection screen
    • Helpful Hint: Setting up ODS as a Read-Only All Resources should only be done in TEAL, not in the SIS or ERP system
  • API Status: Charter School Waitlist and PEIMS Fall are promoting. They can be found under the File Center>Data Sources>TSDS Ed-Fi>Ed-Fi API tab.
  • API PEIMS Mid Year, PEIMS Summer and RF Tracker coming in the next few weeks
  • TSDS Business Rules-Fall PEIMS anticipated to be released by 9/1/2024
  • OnSync has been disabled for loading 2024-2025 XML files (they must be manually loaded)
  • File Center>TSDS>PEIMS (XML, CSV) – 2024-2025 XML files can be manually loaded if the SIS/ERP has the capability to export them
  • XML Review tab added to review 2024-2025 interchange data if loaded


  • Ensure successful connection by entering key/secret on the Administrator>Site Settings>TEA Ed-Fi IODS Connection screen
  • No API data loading will occur until mid to late August at which time nightly loading will automatically begin
    • Reliant on vendor sending data to your individual TEA IODS
  • TSDS Business Rules-Fall PEIMS anticipated to be released by 9/1/2024
    • Next on the list: CRW and Summer
  • 8/31/2024 – Parallel Changes
    • Ed-Fi blue menu tab will be removed
    • File Center – removing parallel API files from File Center
    • Student/Staff profile will no longer show extra column
Updated on 09/18/2024

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