Report Location: Student>Student Data Validation>Miscellaneous Validation
Summary: This report will display students who are not currently fall emergent bilingual students (emergent bilingual indicator code = 0), but have been coded emergent bilingual in prior year(s).
Usage: Review this report to see if current fall emergent bilingual coding needs to be corrected due to prior years reporting.
Data Sources:
- PEIMS Fall Submission
- Interchange Student
- 40100 – Student Extension Complex Type
- Interchange Student
- PEIMS Summer Submission (for prior years only)
- Interchange Student
- 40100 – Student Extension Complex Type
- Interchange Student
- Displays any student who has
- Emergent Bilingual – E0790 (C061) = 0
- Prior Emergent Bilingual (LEP prior to 2021-2022)
- Any prior years in either the fall or summer submission = 1, F, S, 3, 4 or 5
- The most recent year and the emergent bilingual code for that year is displayed
- Emergent Bilingual – E0790 (C061) = 0
- Filter on:
- Single select Year (Default most recent PEIMS fall year loaded to File Center)
- Multi select Prior Years (Defaults to all PEIMS years loaded)
- Allows you to unselect certain years where you might have had an issue with LEP/emergent bilingual coding
- Multi select Campus (Default All Campuses)
- Multi select Grade (Default All Grades)