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2023-2024 CRDC Updates


  • We are getting tickets on RSTR skip logic issues which are out of our control since we are following the OCR file specifications document regarding skip logic. Thank you Karen Holyfield for posting this:
    • The OCR has confirmed that their upload portal for CRDC files is sending erroneous errors regarding skip logic. If you uploaded a file that had a blank value for an element, and an error is being thrown in the OCR portal for that element stating the element cannot be blank and must have a value, please email the following email addresses with your error as it is likely the error is erroneous:


  • If you are receiving errors in the USDE CRDC data entry tool regarding nonbinary elements, please be sure you have extracted and uploaded the “All Nonbinary Elements” from the Extract School Form CSVs dropdown and the LEA Form CSV files.


  • Posted on the CRDC Resource Center page:
    • The 2023-24 CRDC data submission system opened on December 9, 2024, and will now close on April 7, 2025.


  • ARRS-1 and ARRS-4
    • Were incorrectly counting the number of incidents by unique student ID instead of every incident on the upload, so if a student had mulitiple rows on the upload, they were only counting once in these 2 incident count questions.


  • Now that LEAs are uploading data to the USDE CRDC data entry tool, we are getting lots of tickets on the errors you get for DISC-13b and DISC-14b. This is due to DAEP and JJAEP placements being counted in these questions according to the OCR guidelines. For further information including the OCR documentation references and how to resolve the error, please see the 2023-2024 CRDC FAQ kb article, School Form section, Q6 (search for disc-13 to get there quickly).
  • Here is further information from Heather at Tomball ISD regarding the USDE CRDC data entry error on RSTR-5 being compared to RSTR-2.


  • COUR-22 and COUR-23
    • For campuses that only have grade levels EE and/or PK, it was discovered that these questions were not correctly applying skip logic according to ENRL-1 totals being > 0.
    • It was automatically extracting “No” for COUR-22 for these campuses when it should have put “NS” for null (skipping).


  • USDE CRDC data entry tool issue:
    • RSTR-5 (and possibly RSTR-3 and RSTR-7) compared to RSTR-2
      • The tool is comparing Non-IDEA students in RSTR-5 to the Students without Disabilities in RSTR-2 which according to USDE guidelines are not the same thing. Non-IDEA includes Section 504 Only students whereas Students without Disabilities does not.
      • Response from CRDC Partner Support Center:
  • Removing the USDE CRDC Data Entry Tool Errors New Section 2/7/2025 on the 2023-2024 CRDC FAQ kb article and will continue to provide any new errors found in the USDE system in this document to avoid duplication.


  • RETN 1, 2
    • It was discovered that there was code in these questions that was requiring summer PEIMS 24-25 to be loaded. Due to Ed-Fi, most LEAs are already promoting this data, but if your SIS vendor was not yet publishing summer data to the TEA iODS landing zone, these questions would be blank.
    • If you had students who were not in the summer PEIMS 24-25 data, they would not have been included in the RETN counts.
    • Since it is very rare for a student to be reported in summer PEIMS and not in fall PEIMS (usually an error, but with Ed-Fi transactional data, a new world), the values should be identical or very few differences mainly due to Ed-Fi transactional data being picked up every day.
    • If you have already begun work in the USDE CRDC data entry tool, the recommendation is to download the RETN 1, 2 extract under the Update Log and compare the results to what was originally loaded. It is quite possible the results will be the same.


  • Added to 2023-2024 CRDC FAQ at the very end, USDE CRDC Data Entry Tool Errors, new Q&A
    • Q1: New 2/7/2025Why am I getting an error on PSCH-4b IDEA male and female values?
      A: Response from CRDC Partner Support Center:


  • PSCH-2d, 4a, 4b, 5 and 6
    • We changed these questions’ skip logic to eliminate USDE CRDC data entry tool errors. In most cases, they were extracting as zeroes instead of nulls when applicable.


  • It appears that the CRDC Partner Support Center ticket system isn’t delivering emails. Thank you to Heather at Tomball for providing a way to contact the USDE for help with CRDC!
  • PSCH-2c
    • We were incorrectly applying the response to PSCH-1-Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children to PSCH-2c-Preschool Section 504 Indicator for skip logic. This has been corrected and PSCH-2c will only be skipped if school is a Justice Facility or no preschool students, otherwise the extract will have Yes or No (No is the default).


  • ARRS-1 and ARRS-4
    • Several clients reported getting errors in the USDE CRDC data entry tool due to our extract having nulls instead of zeroes. We were following the OCR File Specifications document which said to skip these questions if the corresponding questions – ARRS-2,3,5,6 – were 0, meaning nulls, not values of zeroes. However, we changed the logic to now display and extract zeroes as long as the campus has grades K-12 and SCHR-2 is No so that LEAs can avoid the errors in the CRDC data entry tool. The elements in these 2 questions were added to the Update Log in case an LEA had already started working in the USDE CRDC data entry tool.


  • STAF-2 – Teacher Certification in Specialized Areas
    • It was brought to our attention that this question pertains to teachers certified in the specified areas not necessarily teaching them, so we made a few changes:
      • While we are still only pulling teachers who teach one of the listed Service IDs, the FTE calculation was changed to sum all FTEs at a particular campus regardless of what the teacher’s service IDs were.
      • We added Staff Certification columns for Certificate Status = Valid to the drill down so you can review this information if you load Staff Certs (also in STAF-1 drill down) Loading TEAL – Staff Certifications
      • Note that if you have already gone into the edit screen and hit Submit, your values will not change. Please turn in a ticket if you would like the question to be recalculated with the newest change. Any changes you made to the screen will need to be reentered after the recalculation if desired.
      • We will change question next CRDC submission to work purely off of staff certifications but did not feel there was enough time to evaluate the nuances and train personnel for this reporting submission.


  • STAF-4 – Teacher Absenteeism
    • Added Responsibility Campus Mismatch to drill down on the CUSTOM Data Sources upload link which checks the campus on the upload with the 30090- Responsibility record and makes sure the teacher has at least one at that campus
      • No Update Log addition due to values were not impacted in the school form, it just didn’t show errors if you had any.
      • Note: Teachers only have to exist at one campus where they have a 30090 responsibility record to be included in FTE calculations, but we will parse out the FTEs according to the campuses the teachers have. In other words, you do not have to upload the teacher with a row for every campus where they have 30090 records, just one that has a match.
    • Added STAF-4 edit screen under the Partial PEIMS Edit Questions section that works similar to the SECR-1 where you can update the values after the upload if desired (color green on the navigator menu bar – Edit or Upload)
Updated on 03/07/2025

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