Report Location: Student>Student Custom Reports>AVID
Summary: This report displays information related to completing the Secondary Site Data Collection Form for reporting to the online data entry system at It includes grades 6-12 only.
Usage: This report is used to help complete the Secondary Site Data Collection Form information. Only questions that can be derived from PEIMS/Class Roster/Assessment data robustly are included. This is why the report is labeled “Aid”; you need to review the data to ensure you don’t have other information that can be identified and included in the summary counts.
Special Note(s):
- The Current Year Summer PEIMS file must be loaded for results to appear
- Current Year PEIMS Summer Course Completion records and/or Class Roster Fall/Winter must be loaded for the following to work:
- AVID High School Column Values
- Course questions 29, 30, 31, 38-42
- If both Class Roster and PEIMS Summer Course Completion records exist for current year, counts will be unique based on the service ID; there will be no inflated numbers.
- Class Roster is not used in any prior year reporting
- AVID 9-12 graders are automatically pulled using students who are enrolled in the AVID service IDs (E0724) based on Current Year Class Roster Fall/Winter and/or PEIMS Summer Course Completion:
- N1290001
- N1290002
- N1290030
- N1290033
- AVID 6-8 Elective and Excel students must be generated at the LEA level due to course completion records not being reported for middle school students. These grade levels should be uploaded in separate files if both elective and excel students exist to the File Center>Data Sources>District>AVID tab. Instructions can be found at:
- AVID Excel sections only appear if there is at least one middle school excel file loaded in the File Center AVID tab.
- The following information was updated for the 2023-2024 version and beyond. There could be inconsistencies if looking at earlier versions.
- Student counts are derived from summer enrollment. The 2023-2024 version added “Fall Enrollment” to the Grade Level section heading, but did not state this for other sections and had no further guidance in the Supplemental Instructions. An email was sent to AVID for clarification and if other sections should be changed so there was no mismatching, such as Ethnic/Racial Identity, and received the following response:
- Please know that AVID Site Data forms are designed to be a snapshot in time and are not to be considered a ‘living document’. The data collected on these forms are to be the current/existing data for that schoolyear. Since summer enrollment is a snapshot of all students enrolled in the school year, we left all of the reporting based on summer enrollment so it would be consistent with past reporting and would not cause mismatches with other sections.
- Student counts are derived from summer enrollment. The 2023-2024 version added “Fall Enrollment” to the Grade Level section heading, but did not state this for other sections and had no further guidance in the Supplemental Instructions. An email was sent to AVID for clarification and if other sections should be changed so there was no mismatching, such as Ethnic/Racial Identity, and received the following response:
Data Sources:
- PEIMS Fall records
- 30090 – Interchange Staff Association
- PEIMS Summer records
- 40100 – Interchange Student
- 40110 – Interchange Student Program
- 42400 – Interchange Student Attendance
- 43415 – Interchange Student Transcript
- Class Roster Fall/Winter Note that Class Roster Fall will no longer be reported starting 2024-2025
- 43415 – Interchange Student Transcript
- Advanced Placement Assessment records
- IB Assessment records
- File Center>Data Sources>District>AVID
- Students are reported at the last campus attended for the year selected.
- “All Students” columns/rows include AVID students.
- Items 1-8 – Ethnic/racial identity
- based on PEIMS current year summer enrollment records broken down by gender (E0004)
- Items 9-15 – Grade level breakdown
- based on PEIMS current year summer enrollment records broken down by gender (E0004)
- Item 16 – Special Populations
- PEIMS Summer and Class Roster current year AVID and PEIMS All Students broken down by grade level
- Economically Disadvantaged – PEIMS Summer E0785 > 00
- Member of a Migrant Family – PEIMS Summer E0984 = 1
- Classified Limited English Proficient – PEIMS Summer E0790 = 1
- PEIMS Summer and Class Roster current year AVID and PEIMS All Students broken down by grade level
- Item 20 – Teachers, counselors, and other administrators on campus
- Teachers – Fall Role ID (E0721) = 087
- Counselors – Fall Role ID (E0721) = 008
- Other Administrators – Fall Role ID = 003-Assistant Principal or 041-Teacher Facilitator
- Item 25-26 – Second-year AVID students (middle schools) and third-year AVID students (high schools) New Questions Added 2024-2025
- Requires prior year AVID middle school elective files to be loaded for complete accuracy
- Item 25 is for middle school students and looks for students in the current year AVID middle school elective upload and at least one prior year AVID middle school elective upload
- Item 26 is for high school students and looks for students who are currently defined as AVID based on the AVID service IDs and have a sum of at least 2 prior years according to A) high school AVID student based on AVID service IDs OR B) in the AVID middle school elective upload
- Item 27 – Second-year AVID Excel students New Question Added 2024-2025
- Requires prior year AVID middle school excel files to be loaded for complete accuracy
- Middle school students in the current year AVID middle school excel upload and in at least one prior year AVID middle school excel upload
- Item 29 – College-level or dual-enrollment course enrollment New Logic using Course Sequence instead of Dual Credit Indicator Code Changed 2023-2024 so that Class Roster could be utilized
- PEIMS Summer and Class Roster current year Grades 9-12 AVID students with a current year Service ID (E0724) that has Course Sequence (E0948) = D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, or D9 broken down by gender
- Item 30 – Career & Technical Education courses
- PEIMS Summer and Class Roster current year Grades 9-12 AVID students with at least 2 course completion records across years, including current, with a CTE Service ID (E0724) broken down by gender
- Item 31 – Project Lead the Way courses
- PEIMS Summer and Class Roster current year Grades 9-12 AVID students with at least 2 course completion records across years, including current, with a Service ID (E0724) containing “PLTW” in the description broken down by gender
- Item 38 – Higher-level math enrollment (grades 6-8)
- PEIMS Summer and Class Roster current year Grades 6-8 (AVID and All) with a current year course completion Service ID (E0724) of:
- 03100500-Algebra I
- 03100507-Algebra I
- 03100600-Algebra II
- 03100700-Geometry
- PEIMS Summer and Class Roster current year Grades 6-8 (AVID and All) with a current year course completion Service ID (E0724) of:
- Items 39-40 – Courses of rigor availability (grades 9-12) – New Questions Added 2023-2024
- PEIMS Summer and Class Roster current year count of all classes with Grades 9-12 students according to the column. Values represent a count based on the unique Class ID Number (E1056) for Course Sequence (E0948) = 0, 2, 5, 9, D0, D2, D5, or D9 (with the exception of Dual-Enrollment)
- AP – Service ID (E0724) starting with “A”
- IB – Service ID (E0724) starting with “I”
- Dual-Enrollment – Course Sequence (E0948) = D0, D2, D5, D9
- CTE – Service ID (E0724) starting with “0358” (excluding 03580100, 03580120), “A358”, “I358”, “1270”, “130”, “N127”, “N130”
- PLTW – Service ID (E0724) description containing “PLTW”
- PEIMS Summer and Class Roster current year count of all classes with Grades 9-12 students according to the column. Values represent a count based on the unique Class ID Number (E1056) for Course Sequence (E0948) = 0, 2, 5, 9, D0, D2, D5, or D9 (with the exception of Dual-Enrollment)
- Items 41-42 – Courses of rigor enrollment (grades 9-12) – New Dual Enrollment and CTE added 2023-2024
- PEIMS Summer and Class Roster current year Grades 9-12 students (AVID and All) with a current year course completion Service ID (E0724) starting with “A”, “I”, “0358” (excluding 03580100, 03580120), “A358”, “I358”, “1270”, “130”, “N127”, “N130” or containing “PLTW” in the description OR Course Sequence (E0948) = D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9 broken down by grade level
- Items 43-44 – Last year’s courses of rigor completion (grades 9-12) New Dual Enrollment and CTE added 2024-2025
- PEIMS Summer prior year Grades 9-12 students (AVID and All) with a prior year course completion Service ID (E0724) starting with “A”, “I”, “0358” (excluding 03580100, 03580120), “A358”, “I358”, “1270”, “130”, “N127”, “N130” or containing “PLTW” in the description, and Course Sequence (E0948) = 0, 2, 5, 9, D0, D2, D5, or D9 OR Course Sequence (E0948) = D0, D2, D5, or D9 broken down by grade level
- Items 45-48 Last year’s courses of rigor exams (grades 9-12)
- 45-46 PEIMS Summer prior year Grades 9-12 students (AVID and All) who have at least one prior year AP or IB exam record
- 47-48 PEIMS Summer prior year Grades 9-12 students (AVID and All) who received a prior year AP exam score >= 3 or IB exam score >=4
- Items 49-50 Last year’s credits earned (grades 9-12)
- 49-50 PEIMS Summer prior year Grades 9-12 students (AVID and All) who only have passing grades based on pass/fail indicator codes (E0949) = 01 or 08
- Items 51, 53 Last year’s average attendance rates
- PEIMS Summer prior year grades 6-8 and grades 9-12 (AVID and All) percentage in attendance for 2019-2020
- Sum of (E0937 Total Eligible Days Present + E0936 Total Ineligible Days Present) / Sum of (E0937 Total Eligible Days Present + E0936 Total Ineligible Days Present + E0036 Total Days Absent) * 100
- 2019-2020 COVID-19 ADA Adjustments: Only includes reporting periods 1-4
- PEIMS Summer prior year grades 6-8 and grades 9-12 (AVID and All) percentage in attendance for 2019-2020
- Item 54 Last year’s AVID Elective/AVID Excel/All 8th graders
- PEIMS Summer prior year 8th graders (AVID and All) enrollment count
- Item 55 Last year’s AVID Elective/AVID Excel/All 8th grade higher-level math enrollment
- PEIMS Summer prior year 8th graders (AVID and All) with a prior year course completion Service ID (E0724) of:
- 03100500-Algebra I
- 03100507-Algebra I
- 03100600-Algebra II
- 03100700-Geometry
- AND Course Sequence (E0948) = 0, 2, 5, 9, D0, D2, D5, or D9
- AND Pass/Fail Credit Indicator Code (E0949) = 01 or 08
- PEIMS Summer prior year 8th graders (AVID and All) with a prior year course completion Service ID (E0724) of:
- Item 57 Last year’s AVID Elective/Excel/All 8th grade pre-collegiate testing
- PEIMS Summer prior year 8th graders (AVID and All) who have at least one prior year PSAT 8/9 record
- Filter on:
- Single select Year (Default most recent PEIMS Summer year loaded)
- Single select Campus (Default lowest campus number-High schools and Middle schools only)
- Focus List to run report for specific groups of students
- Note: Focus list is applied to all students including AVID
- PDF button renders a printable/downloadable PDF report
- Drill down on hyperlinks to see detailed student or staff lists