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Cohort Preliminary Preview 

Report Location: Student>Student Custom Reports>Graduation / Dropouts / Cohorts

Summary: This report provides a count by campus and all campuses summary for students in the cohort Prelim 4 Year Longitudinal file from TEAL, along with counts for the leaver and current year statuses of those students.


  • Use this report to review current year PEIMS reporting information for the preliminary cohorts TEA has appropriated to your district in the November time-frame.
  • Ensure that cohort students with No PEIMS Record are accounted for as a mover to another Texas public school, otherwise you might be missing PEIMS coding to account for the student.
  • Ultimately, this report should be used to help keep a running tally of your TEA preliminary cohorts during the current school year.

Special Notes:

  • Totals for all subset columns might not add up to the Cohort Students column due to students counting in more than one column. For example, a student could be recorded as a leaver and a return snapshot student. Column counts not summing to the Cohort Students column could indicate an issue with PEIMS coding.
  • No PEIMS Record column will need to be compared to the SIS records for students who have moved to another Texas public school. These “movers” are not reported to PEIMS therefore they may need to be eliminated from the cohort list if they have been found attending a new school district.
  • It will not include any new students who are added to the cohort during the year since the base starts with the TEA preliminary cohort students created in November (end of prior year reporting).

Data Source(s):

  • TEAL Prelim 4 Year Longitudinal
  • PEIMS Fall
    • InterchangeStudent
      • 40100 – Student Extension
    • InterchangeStudentEnrollment
      • 40110 – Student School Association Extension
      • 40203 – School Leaver Extension
  • PEIMS Summer
    • InterchangeStudentAttendance
      • 42400 – Basic Attendance


  • Campus and Students are pulled from the TEAL>Prelim 4 Year Longitudinal file
  • Prior to 2019-2020
    • Grade level additionally included from the TEAL>Prelim 4 Year Longitudinal file
    • Grade level no longer reported starting with the 2019-2020 school year

Note: Remaining columns are a subset of the Cohort Preliminary Students column and only include the students found in this column

  • Estimated 4 Yr Longitudinal Graduated Rate
    • Only appears for campuses that have at least one Graduates (code 01) count
    • Numerator: Graduates, leaver reason E1001 = 01 across current and prior years
    • Denominator: Graduates leaver reason E1001 = 01 + Dropouts leaver reason E1001 = 98 or 08 across current and prior years + the Fall Re-Enrolled columns
      • Note: The Graduates (code 01) and Dropouts – Potential (code 98, 08) columns are only including students matching the cohort preliminary year’s filter for investigation purposes (only this data can be changed prior to the submission). To see all students who are included in the 4 Yr Longitudinal Graduated Rate column, drill down on the percentage. The total entries is the denominator and the leaver reason columns across years can be filtered for code 01 to reach the numerator.
      • Note: If a student is included in more than one Fall Re-Enrolled column (As of Snapshot, Within School Start Window, but Not enrolled on Snapshot, or Not within School Start Window), the student will only count once in the denominator.
    • Calculation: Numerator / Denominator * 100 rounded to the tenth
  • Fall PEIMS Leavers (left prior year or over summer)
    • Graduates (code 01) – Cohort students who have a leaver reason code (E1001) = 01
    • Dropouts – Potential (code 98, 08) – Cohort students who have a leaver reason code (E1001) = 98 or 08
    • All Other Codes – Cohort students who have a leaver record that does not have a leaver reason code (E1001) 01, 98, or 08
    • Prior to 2019-2020
      • Dropouts – Potential (code 98) – Cohort students who have a leaver reason code (E1001) = 98
      • All Other Codes – Cohort students who have a leaver record that does not have a leaver reason code (E1001) 01 or 98
  • Fall Re-Enrolled
    • As of Snapshot – Cohort Students who have a subsequent year fall 40110 record
    • Within School Start Window, but Not enrolled on Snapshot – Cohort Students who have a subsequent year fall As of Status Code (E1002) = C
    • Not within School Start Window – Cohort Students who have a subsequent year fall As of Status Code (E1002) = D or E
  • Summer Re-Enrolled
    • Summer Enrolled, Not in Fall PEIMS – Cohort Students who are not reported in the subsequent year fall reporting but are in the subsequent summer reporting
  • Prior to
    • Leavers – Cohort Students who have a leaver record prior to the selected school year. This helps eliminate from the last No PEIMS Record column homeschoolers, dropouts, etc. who left in the past but are still a part of the Cohort.
  • No PEIMS Record – All Cohort Students not already reported in another column


  • Filter on:
    • Multi select Campus (Default All Campuses)
    • Cohort Preliminary Year (Default Most Recent Cohort Preliminary File Year in File Center)
  • Use drill downs to review detailed student lists
Updated on 10/11/2023

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