Please note that the A-F Domain reports should only be considered preliminary at this time, as they are based on draft methodology from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) that is still subject to change. Once the TEA releases the final accountability manual, we will conduct a thorough review and analysis to ensure our projections align.
The TEA acknowledged the need for additional analyses of Academic Growth cut scores and Domain III targets in a recent letter to administrators, which can be found here: Delay in 2023 A–F Academic Accountability Ratings Letter.
Given this, it is likely that the current calculations do not accurately reflect anticipated ratings. As such, we recommend using the A-F reports for a high-level perspective but advise caution in drawing any concrete conclusions.
A-F Domain 2 School Progress Summary and Detail Reports
School Progress Domain – Part A Student Growth – Summary
- School Progress, Part A includes all assessments with eligible Annual Growth data.
- OnDataSuite’s graph shows how many students in each section color-coded to the points – grey being 0 points, yellow being .5 points, and green being 1 point.

School Progress, Part A– Accelerated Learning
Includes all assessments with eligible Accelerated Learning data. To be eligible for an Accelerated Learning score, a student must meet ALL the criteria for Annual Growth and must have earned Did Not Meet Grade Level in the prior year in the same content area (RLA or mathematics):
School Progress, Part B: Relative Performance
Relative Performance School Progress, Part B: Relative Performance measures the achievement of all students relative to campuses with similar economically disadvantaged percentages.
For detailed information about calculations please refer to the TEA Manual
Chapter 3-School Progress Domain posted 08/11/2023
For File Dependency Information refer to the internal link
A-F File Requirements and Definitions