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ESC Regional Level Dashboards/Reports

The following are available at the ESC regional level.  Reports highlighted yellow indicate the report is ONLY available at the ESC regional level.



  • Student Data Validation
    • Fall Pre-Validation Limited Scope Attendance Audit Review (TEA Desk Audit)
      • Students Reported at Multiple Districts On Fall PEIMS Snapshot
    • Summer Limited Scope Attendance Audit Review (TEA Desk Audit)
      • Summer Students >= 45 Total Days Membership By Rep Period on Multiple Districts
    • Discipline Validation
      • Unauthorized Suspensions For Grade Levels Less Than 3rd Grade
  • Student Custom Reports
    • Attendance Reports
      • Attendance Summary
        • Attendance Contact Hour Summary Region
    • Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Reports
      • Refined ADA Report
      • Early Education Refined ADA Report
      • Special Education Mainstream Refined ADA Report
      • Bilingual / ESL Refined ADA Report Pre 2020
    • CTE
      • CTE Code Demographics Student Counts by Grade 
      • CTE Course Demographics Student Counts by Grade
      • IBC Demographics Student Counts by Grade
      • Program of Study Analysis
      • Program of Study Demographics Student Counts by Grade 
    • Discipline Reports
      • Action Reason Summary
        • Discipline Action Reason Code Trend Analysis
      • Action Summary
        • Discipline Action Code Trend Analysis
        • Discipline Action Group Summary
    • Economic Disadvantage Reports
      • Economic Disadvantage Year Comparison Percentages
      • Fall Eco Dis Percent in Membership
    • Emergent Bilingual / English Learner
      • English Learner Year Comparison Percentages
    • LEA / Campus
      • Campus Calendar Number Days by Reporting Periods
      • LEA Gifted and Talented Program
      • LEA Programs of Study
    • SPED
      • Special Education Year Comparison Percentages
    • Miscellaneous
      • Region District Campus Summary Report
      • Regional Transfer Report


  • No reports available at this time


  • Staff Custom Reports
    • Staff FTE Reports
      • Staff FTE Counts and Salary Report
      • FTE by Function Code
      • FTE by Role
    • Staff Miscellaneous Reports
      • Staff Retention Rate
    • Teacher Summary Reports
      • Elementary Teacher Counts by Grade Level Ranges
      • Teacher Years of Experience


  • Finance Custom Reports
    • Financial Well Being Reports
      • Per Pupil Expenditures All Funds
    • Shared Service Arrangement Reports
      • Shared Service Membership
      • Shared Service Fiscal Arrangement


  • State: Accountability Report Center
    • A-F Rating System>Domain: Companion Reports
      • Annual Dropout Rate Report
    • CCMR – College, Career, Military Ready
      • CCMR PEIMS Checklist
    • OnTAPR
      • Student Mobility Rate Report
    • ESC Capacity Grant Performance 6 Homeless
  • Data Validation Monitoring
    • DVM SUMMARY Reports
      • Discipline All DVM
      • Leaver All DVM
    • Discipline Data Analysis
      • #1 – Length of Out-Of-School Suspension
      • #2 – Unauthorized Expulsion: Students Age 10 and Older
      • #3 – Unauthorized Expulsion: Students under Age 10
      • #4 – Unauthorized DAEP Placement: Students under Age 6
      • #5 – High Number of Discretionary DAEP Placements
      • #6 – Black or African American (Not Hispanic/Latino) Discretionary DAEP Placements
      • #7 – Hispanic Discretionary DAEP Placements
    • Leaver Data Analysis
      • Leaver Records: Indicator #1: Leaver Data Analysis
      • Leaver Records Data Validation Indicator #3: Use of Leaver Reason Codes by Districts with No Dropouts
      • Leaver Records Data Validation Indicator #4: Use of One or More Leaver Reason Codes
      • Leaver Records Data Validation Indicator #5: Use of Certain Leaver Reason Dropout Codes
      • Leaver Records Data Validation Indicator #8: Continuing Students Dropout Rate
Updated on 06/12/2024

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