If you are not seeing 24-25 Ed-Fi Summer Attendance data flowing AND your vendor is allowing a Summer 24-25 XML extract to be created, this is an alternative option to review the XML data for 24-25 as it relates to Summary of Finance ADA/FTE reporting.
*** Disclaimer – the XML file upload is based upon the 23-24 XML file format. Any 24-25 Ed-Fi Summer reporting changes are not reflected in the OnDataSuite Reporting . This is for comparative checks and not for official data reporting.
Summer PEIMS XML Attendance Reporting:
1 . Load Summer PEIMS XML for 24-25 through the latest complete Reporting Period. In the File Center. Verify the latest six weeks completed is being loaded otherwise partial six weeks or all six weeks will skew the ADA/FTE calculations on the subsequent report if the XML contains all six reporting periods attendance data (some vendors set all future reporting periods to 100% attendance).

2. From XML Review menu – Student – select the Summer PEIMS XML Checklist report.

The Section: PDM3-130-005 provides as much ADA/FTE reporting as possible from the 23-24 XML Format reporting.

This report will only reflect the 24-25 XML attendance totals as of the Reporting Period used in Step 1 (file load).
CTE FTEs are not being calculated on XML as all the data is not available for crosswalking of CTE attendance.
3. To compare the XML Review checklist to actual prior year reporting, use the Student – Student Custom Reports – PEIMS Summary and Review Reports – Summer PEIMS Checklist . https://057903.ondata10.net/index.php/pdp/rtypeindex/rtype/1

Select the years you are wanting to compare to. Example – 24-25 is available due to Summer Ed-FI data that is flowing related to student counts etc – nothing for attendance yet in your Ed-Fi Summer API promotion. Selected three most current years to generate report.

Reference details on Data Sources required for Finance Summary of Finance Reports: https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/what-files-are-needed-for-the-hb3-funding-reports-to-populate-for-current-year/