Option 1 – OnSync – Preferred Method
Users can opt to automatically have their Accuplacer files pulled nightly into OnDataSuite using the OnSync method. Please follow the link below for more information on how to set this up.
Option 2 – Manual Creation of Accuplacer File
Users who choose not to use the OnSync method for Accuplacer file upload will need to follow the directions below to create their own file for upload
TSIA Accuplacer- Accepted Data File Layout
This file is a Comma Separated Value format (.CSV)
IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT try and upload any TSIA2 data into the TSIA file center. The files are completely different and will not load correctly. They must only be loaded into the TSIA2 file center location.
Loading (TSIA Accuplacer) Data

Where to get your TSIA Accuplacer data
The TSIA data fields required for upload into the OnDataSuite file center are derived from the College Board (CB) reporting center. There are several report creation options provided through the CB reporting tool that will allow you to pull the necessary data needed to upload into the file center. For more information on how to generate reports please see the attached 2017 College Board Accuplacer Guide and review the Custom Reports section starting on page 155.
You may also visit the official College Board website by clicking this link: https://accuplacer.collegeboard.org/educator/about-accuplacer
OnDataSuite TSIA Accuplacer Template
Please make sure to follow the guidance below prior to filling out and submitting your TSIA Accuplacer file to ensure that all fields are in the proper format.
OnDataSuiteTSIA Accuplacer Template_2020 (.CSV Format)
TSIA Accuplacer data fields accepted in OnDataSuite
Due to the fact that reports derived from within the College Board report building tool can vary from user to user and are not created to follow a specific output data file format in their creation, each user uploading TSIA data into the file center must export their report in the College Board reporting tool to contain ONLY the following fields in the EXACT ORDER displayed below with the correct field names:

List of Accepted TSIA (Accuplacer) College Board Elements
- Test Start (MM/DD/YYYY; ex: 01/01/2017, not 1/1/2017)
- Last Name
- First Name
- Middle Initial
- Student ID (Use 10-digit number. Texas Unique ID) (This should not be a made up number)
- Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY; ex: 06/05/2002, not 6/5/2002)
- Site ID
- Inst ID
- Site Name
- TSI Mathematics Placement
- TSI Reading Placement
- TSI Writing Placement
- TSI WritePlacer {year} w/Word Count On
- ABE Mathematics Diagnostics *
- ABE Writing Diagnostics *
- ABE Reading Diagnostics *
- Adult Basic Education Math Placement *
- Adult Basic Education Writing Placement *
- Adult Basic Education Reading Placement **fields added as of 06/01/2018 (Are not required but some districts have said that they would like these included)
TSIA (Accuplacer)
File cannot be compressed or zipped
This file is a fixed length file provided by College Board. (CSV)
File name must contain no spaces
When naming files, only use letters, numbers, dashes or underscores
We strongly recommend Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox while using OnDataSuite products
Related Article: Checking for errors in uploaded TSIA files
Read this article to double check that your files loaded properly