For latest ODS reporting status – please reference Knowledge Base article ODS CTE FTE Tier Reporting Status
CTE FTE tier updates incorporating TEA latest resources and guidance (as of 3/31/2022) were released in ODS reports as noted below on 4/11/2022.
The new CTE FTE reporting based upon Summer 21-22 TSDS PEIMS reporting is in progress in ODS and initial reports have been released:
- CTE Eligible Days and Contact Hours Post 2021 – located in Student Custom Reports – CTE folder
- CTE FTE Post 2021 – located in Student Custom Reports – FTE folder
- HB3 Student FTE (CTE section updates) Post 2021 – located in Finance Custom Reports – Summary of Finance (SOF) Reports – Student Funding Detail Reports folder AND in Student Custom Reports – HB3 Funding folder
The CTE FTE Tier funding changes enacted by HB1525 beginning with 2021-2022 had significant impact on data collection and reporting to identify the CTE FTE Tier per the guidelines. Reference TEA correspondence posted 08-05-2021 for details and references.
As the CTE Funding changes by HB1525 (beginning 21-22) have been rolled out by TEA guidance posted in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, TWEDS and State Funding, OnDataSuite (ODS) is addressing the new reporting as LEA 21-22 Summer PEIMS files containing the new TX-CTEMultiplier PEIMS elements are loaded. This data reporting ties the Service ID to the attendance V1-V3 codes required to calculate the CTE FTE Tiers.
The calculations and reporting ODS provides is based upon the latest published CTE weighted tiers worksheet published on the TEA CTE Program of Study website.
- To date,ODS has received six SIS Vendor Summer PEIMS file with the new TX-CTE Multiplier subcomplex:
- eSchool
- Frontline (TEAMS)
- Skyward
- Tyler Technologies
Until your SIS Summer PEIMS files include the 21-22 updates these new reports will not populate.
To verify if your Summer PEIMS file contains the new CTE Attendance Multiplier, from the Student – Student Report Center.