Update release April 19, 2023.
- Added Campus filter to report options.
Updates released March 7, 2023.
- CCMR Outcome Bonus estimates populated from new HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Funding Estimates Report.
- Previous unreported grey rows are now calculated or reported if the data is available in ODS.
- New Show Weighted Rows toggle feature for the Special Education Weighted FTE calculation added.
- Drilldown to the source reporting in Finance – Summary of Finance (SOF) Reports – Student Funding Detail Reports for each respective total.
- New feature: Finance Reporting Period Override for applicable ADA/FTE sections.
Initial Report Release January, 2023
Check out the latest OnDataSuite (ODS) Finance report providing a one report summary of the respective student PEIMS data inputs for projections and monitoring of the respective Summary of Finance templates as of 2021-2022.

The report baseline is 2021-2022 year requiring Fall and Summer PEIMS files loaded in ODS and if Summer 2022-2023 preliminary files are loaded in ODS, the default report will display 2022-2023 (as of latest Summer PEIMS upload) AND 2021-2022 as of final Fall and Summer PEIMS files loaded in ODS and compare the variances. As additional years are reported, the year filter will allow you to select the respective years to compare and report.
If either 2021-2022 OR 2022-2023 Summer PEIMS files are not loaded in ODS, the report will default to a single year report based upon the year of the Summer PEIMS file loaded in ODS.
Reference the Report Info for details on data sources, calculations and additional resources. https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/summary-of-finance-sof-student-data-summary/

Watch for updates as ODS continues to enhance this reporting.