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  3. OnDataSuite Ed-Fi Overview – Q & A (2024-2025 and Beyond)

OnDataSuite Ed-Fi Overview – Q & A (2024-2025 and Beyond)

General Ed-Fi Connections (GEFC)
GEFC.1 When will OnDataSuite begin accepting 2024-2025 Ed-Fi data via API?OnDataSuite is accepting Ed-Fi data as of 08/14/2024.  You may set up the connection at any time.   Click here to get started.
GEFC.2 If we have a different Student Information System (SIS) than our HR/Business System, do we have to enter more than one Key/Secret in OnDataSuite?No, you need to create one key and secret specifically for OnDataSuite and enter it into OnDataSuite.  This allows OnDataSuite to have read-only access to your LEA’s TEA IODS Landing Zone. We read the data your SIS and HR/Business system sends to the TEA IODS Landing Zone.
GEFC.3 After entering the key and secret, the connection was established, but I noticed that my file center displays Ed-Fi API entries in pink. What could be the issue?The authentication process was successful, as indicated by the key, but the presence of pink entries suggests that your TEA IODS is currently not populated with any data for 2024-2025.
GEFC.4 How often will my data be sent to the TEA IODS Landing Zone?How often your data is updated in the TEA IODS Landing Zone depends on your Student and Business Information System source vendors’ schedule to publish to the TEA IODS.  This would be something you need to discuss with your vendor.
GEFC.5 How often will Ed-Fi data flow into OnDataSuite?Currently we check nightly (1:00AM) for new data in the TEA IODS (Landing Zone). 

The “Date Promoted” column displayed in the File Center>Data Sources>TSDS>Ed-Fi API tab will change only when new data is found.
The TEA Ed-FI date time stamp on lower right of the black footer of every page in OnDataSuite, indicates the latest updates processed through promotion logic.

As of 9/6/2024, we released the ability for you to schedule your Nightly Pull in the set up of your TEA Ed-Fi IODS Connection. If you do not change the schedule, we will continue to pull data/changes at 1:00am each night.
GEFC.6 Will I need to be fatal free to promote data to be loaded in ODS?Your Level 1 errors will have to be fixed before data lands on the TEA IODS, but it does not have to be fatal free from Level 2 and 3 errors for OnDataSuite promotion. There is no manual promotion process to perform; ODS handles the promotion and pulls data from your TEA IODS.
GEFC.7 Can we manually push the Ed-Fi data into OnDataSuite?

Example – working on corrections in SMS and did not want to wait until the next day for data in ODS. We can push XML files manually now if needed during the day instead of waiting for the overnight sync.
OnDataSuite will be working on functionality to allow you to run or schedule the load process manually.  We have added a “Tools” dropdown feature on the TEA Ed-Fi IODS Connection screen.  The new feature will most likely be a part of that screen, but it has not been finalized yet.
Reporting Functionality (RF)
RF.1 We will still have the previous years’ data in OnDataSuite, right?Yes, OnDataSuite houses all your previous years’ data even as far back as the original 80-character flat file (Edit+) data.  Your XML generated data will still be sitting in your data tables in the File Center>Data Sources>TSDS>PEIMS (XML, CSV) tab within OnDataSuite.
RF.2 When will we be able to see 2024-2025 reporting in OnDataSuite? I’m not seeing it in the year dropdown.Data is loaded in OnDataSuite by a nightly Ed-Fi API connection from the TEA IODS Landing Zone into OnDataSuite once you enter your Key and Secret and your SIS/BIS begin flowing data to the TEA IODS. https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/tea-ed-fi-iods-connection-2/

For a complete reference of resources and training documentation regarding the updates and status in ODS for Ed-Fi, please review:https://kb.ondatasuite.com/article-categories/go-live-2024-2025-ed-fi-overview/

The initial roll out of 24-25 Ed-Fi in OnDataSuite can be viewed at Trainings>Webinars (change to past only) Let’s Ed-Fi with API, July 30, 2024, 10:00 AM

Once you have the Ed-Fi API 2024-2025 data flowing from your SIS and business source system(s) to the TEA Ed-Fi IODS landing zone, you will be able to see the 2024-2025 dashboards, reports, ad hoc reporting, etc. as you always have in the past if the required Domain and Entities are promoting. For more details on data reconciliation, please reference: https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/ed-fi-data/
RF.3 How do I add our new campuses for 2024-2025 to OnDataSuite? Once your Fall PEIMS Ed-Fi API transactions are loading into the TEA IODS and you have successfully set up your Key and Secret in OnDataSuite, nightly connections will load the data into ODS from the TEA IODS and the new campuses should appear in the dashboards, ad hoc reporting, and reports.
RF.4 Will the Fall and Summer Dashboards change for 2024-2025?

If ALL data is pulled every night…. how will it be dispersed to dashboards?
The dashboards will continue to function the same.  OnDataSuite will upload new data from the TEA IODS Landing Zone nightly and data will be promoted per TEA’s published promotion logic.  Based on the promotion logic, the data will be loaded into the appropriate tables for each submission / collection and reflected in the dashboards, report center and custom reports.

RF.5 Will we be able to work on other submissions like we did in the past or will it only pull certain data depending on the time of year and what submission is due
It will pull the data from your TEA IODS landing zone and parse the data to the appropriate area based on the promotion logic for that submission / collection no matter the time of year.

Keep in mind, each year’s promotion logic must be updated based on changes released through TEA.  Like in the past year’s XML processing, there will be time needed to incorporate those changes, but all statuses will be communicated as promotion logic is updated/completed.
RF.6 When will TSDS Rules/Edits be available for 24-25? Reference for latest status of https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/ed-fi-rules/.
JSON Access (JA)
JA.1 What if I don’t want all district OnDataSuite users that currently have access to Student and Staff Profiles to be able to see the JSON data in the new section (TEA Ed-Fi IODS)?Student Profile Ed-Fi IODS and Staff Profile Ed-Fi IODS are automatically marked ‘Restricted Access’ on all user accounts.  Each user’s account will have to be updated to ALLOW the user to see the JSON data in the new section (TEA Ed-Fi IODS) of the Student and Staff Profiles.  This setting must be updated under Administrator > List, Edit and Delete Users or section, User Account Access. KB Reference: https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/granting-access-to-tea-ed-fi-iods-jsonstudent-staff-profile-screens/
JA.2 Will ESCs have the ability to use the Student and Staff Profile JSON views in OnDataSuite?Only if the ESC user has a user account with the required permissions for access to the JSON views in Student and/or Staff Profiles within your LEA’s OnDataSuite database. 

This is not functionality available on the “Regional” ODS database.
Education Service Centers (ESC)
ESC.1 How will ESCs load Ed-Fi data into Region ODS system?ESCs utilizing the “Regional” level of ODS will continue to load CSV files on the regional site for all the LEAs. https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/loading-tsds-peims-files-esc-level-only/
XML.1 Can I still load PEIMS XML extract files into OnDataSuite for 2024-2025?Yes.  IF your Student Information System or Business System will allow you to extract 2024-2025 XML files you may load them into OnDataSuite, the files will only be used for comparing basic counts and totals to your Ed-Fi data.  Please remember the 24-25 XML files are based upon the 2023-2024 data collection rules and will not reflect the changes for 2024-2025.
XML.2 How long will OnDataSuite continue to accept XML Files?We anticipate only accepting XML files for 2024-2025 year. And any prior years for LEAs who need to load historical years’ data.
XML3 Can I load just student or just business XML files?Yes.  IF your LEA uses separate student and business systems and one of them no longer allows XML extracts you may load either just student or business data.
XML.4 Will the OnSync feature be available for XML files?No, the OnSync feature for XML files has been discontinued for 2024-2025 TSDS PEIMS (OnSync for CCMR EWS Supplement file, College Board and Accuplacer/TSIA2 is unaffected) Reference: https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/onsync-set-up-for-peims/ for further details.
XML.5 I loaded a 24-25 XML, but I am not seeing the data on the Fall Dashboard? Use the XML Review tab (top blue menu bar) to review Report Center ( Ad-Hoc) reporting of the the XML data loaded. This means you will need to create your own reports to validate data against the Ed-Fi reporting. For full details on the XML Review reporting reference https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/xml-review-for-2024-2025/
Updated on 09/14/2024

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