Report Locations:
- Assessment>STAAR End-of-Course>STAAR EOC Custom Reports>STAAR EOC & PEIMS
- Student>Student Custom Reports>STAAR & PEIMS
Summary: This report displays 3 years of longitudinal attendance data along with STAAR EOC achievement levels for all subjects with breakdowns by gender, ethnicity, and special programs (at risk, special education, economic disadvantage, emergent bilingual).
Usage: Use this report to analyze comparisons between STAAR achievement levels and chronically versus not chronically absent students. Chronically absent is defined as having a percentage in attendance (PIA) < 90.0%.
Special Notes:
- Counts are based on students having a STAAR EOC achievement level in the appropriate subject
- Both STAAR EOC and PEIMS Summer Attendance files must be loaded in order for counts to display
Data Source(s):
- Algebra I
- Biology
- English I
- English II
- US History
- PEIMS Summer
- Interchange Student Attendance
- 42400 – Basic Attendance
- Interchange Student Attendance
- Base file is STAAR EOC students
- # Students PIA < 90% (Chronics) = Count of students with a percentage in attendance < 90.0%
- # Students PIA >= 90% (Not Chronics) = Count of students with a percentage in attendance >= 90.0%
- Gender, Ethnicity, and Special Program breakout columns are based on STAAR results
- Does not include SIRS files
- Only includes results with a Score Code = S
- STAAR EOC by Achievement Level
- (# Chronically Absent Students / # Students PIA < 90%) * 100 in each achievement level
- (# Not Chronically Absent Students / # Students PIA >= 90%) * 100 in each achievement level
- # of STudent <95% * 100 in achievement level when toggled
- # of Students > 90% * 100 in achievement level when toggled
- Note: Retesters count in highest level achieved
- Note: Drill down on Chronically Absent or Not Chronically Absent percentages to see number of students in each category
- Filter on:
- Multi-select Year (Default most recent 3 years based on STAAR)
- Single select Campus
- Based on STAAR EOC Campus
- All Campuses (Default) – All campuses summed together
- Individual Campus
- Multi-select Grade
- Based on STAAR EOC Grade Level Code
- All Grades (Default) – All grades summed together
- Multi-select Student Category (Default All)
- Total
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- At Risk (Fall)
- Special Education
- Economic Disadvantage
- Emergent Bilingual
- Drill down on counts or percentages for detailed student lists
- Toggle to show 95% attendance rates and STAAR data