This report will list all students who have been reported in the Fall PEIMS submission of the selected year and who are eligible to take an EOC exam. (Grades 6 and up).
STAAR EOC Met Standards Count_Crosswalk (09/03/20)
Assessment files used ( STAAR EOC & STAR ALT2 EOC )
Blank = Test not taken
N = Failed EOC Exam
Y = Passed EOC Exam
L2 = EOC ALT2 Level 1 Satisfactory
L3 = EOC ALT2 Level 3 Advanced
Covid 19 calculations below this point as specified by TEA via COVID-19 FAQ: Assessment (released 03/31/2020)
CC = Earned through Course Credit ( Covid19 Related – 2019-20 would be the only year that Earned through Course Credit can be applied )
NOTE: This report utilizes the methodology known as “bridging” to determine if a student meets the CC criteria . Please check your local grading policy for deviations to this method.
IGC = Individual Graduation Committee = Reviewed and reported in submission 3 – Summer
PEIMS Associated Records used to determine (CC status)
CC code only applicable for 2019-2020 school year rec_415
E0949 Pass/Fail = 01, 08
E0948 Course Sequence = 0, 2, 5, 9
Service IDs = E0724
A1= 03100500, 03100507
A2 = 03100600
E1 = 03200600, 03200607, 03220100, 03220107
E2 = 03200700, 03200707, 03220200, 03220207
E3 = 03220300
BI = 03010200, 03010207, A3010200, I3010201, I3010202
US = 03340100, 03340107, A3340100