Report Location: Finance Custom Reports > Summary of Finance (SOF) Reports > Summary of Finance Summary > Summary of Finance – Student Data Summary.
Summary: This report is intended to provide a single report view of the Student PEIMS Data required for completion of the Summary of Finance(SOF) templates: TEA State Aid Template 2022-2025 or Omar Garcia’s SOF template
Usage: Use aide to review and complete the student inputs for the Summary of Finance (SOF) templates. The report layout follows the TEA State Aid Template which closely aligns to Omar’s template. The report is a monitoring tool for current year projections as of latest required data sources loaded in ODS. A 2 year view is provided for tracking last year to current year changes.
Prior year values are based upon the Final Summer PEIMS file loaded in ODS, assumed to be the cumulative totals for the full year.
Current year values will be based upon the latest Summer PEIMS file loaded in ODS (which could include partial six weeks data). Unless the Finance Reporting Period Override has been set.
The baseline year for this report is 2021-2022 when the new CTE FTE Tier funding was implemented.
The drilldowns on this report will link to the respective Finance : Summary of Finance (SOF) Reports – Student Funding Detail Reports for the specific data set details included in the total.
Data Source(s) Required:
Fall PEIMS – Required for Compensatory Education Tier Enrollment
- Interchange Student Extension
- 40100 – Student Basic Information
- TX-Student Characteristics Type Sub-Category
- 40100 – Student Basic Information
- Interchange Student Enrollment Extension
Summer PEIMS – Required for ADA, FTE, P-Tech/New Tech Enrollment, Dyslexia and G/T Count
- Interchange Student Program Extension
- 40110 Student Program Extension Complex Type
- Dyslexia Services Code (E1650)
- Gifted Talented Indicator Code (E0034)
- 40110 Student Program Extension Complex Type
- Interchange Student Attendance Extension
- 42400 Basic Reporting Period Attendance Extension Complex Type
- 42401 Special Programs Reporting Period Attendance Extension Complex Type
- Attendance Event Indicator (E1085) = 11 Regular – SpecialEd Mainstream
- Attendance Event Indicator (E1085) = 02 Regular – Bilingual/ESL
- CTE Attendance Multiplier subcomplex
- 42500-Special Programs Reporting Period Attendance Extension Complex
- Interchange Student Enrollment Extension
- 40110 – Student School Association Extension Complex Type
- Interchange Student Transcript Extension
- 43415 Course Transcript Extension Complex Type
Rows with dark grey boxes in the values are not available in the data submitted to TSDS PEIMS.
All ADA and FTE values are rounded to 3 decimal places.
All Enrollment and Counts are reported as whole numbers.
Regular Program Refined ADA – (Sum of all students’ total eligible days present (E0937) (includes RA total eligible days (E1679) and RS total eligible days(E1678) from 42400 Basic Reporting Attendance in a six-week period / number days taught (E0935) in the six week period) / 6.
Flexible Attendance ADA – OFSDP or HSEP – By respective program : (Sum of all students’ total Flex Attendance Adjusted Equivalent Eligible days present (includes RA total eligible days (E1679) and RS total eligible days(E1678) from 42400 Basic Reporting Attendance in a six-week period / number days taught (E0935) in the six week period) / 6.
Total Refined ADA – sum of the Regular Program Refined ADA and Flexible Attendance ADA (OFSDP and HSEP). This is the PEIMS Reported ADA on the TEA Summary of FInance report before any adjustments by TEA.
Special Education FTEs by instructional setting EXCEPT for Mainstream (40).
- RA/RS included:
- Days Eligible by instructional Setting code = Total Days Eligible)E0937) + RS Total Days Eligible (E1678) + RA Total Days Eligible (E1679)
- Excess Hours in Instructional Setting code = Excess Hours in Instructional Setting(E0945) + RS Excess Hours in Instructional Setting (E1694) + RA Excess Hours in Instructional Setting (E1695)
- By six weeks:
- Contact Hours = (DAYS_ELIG * WEIGHT) – HRS_EXCESS
- Special Education FTE = Total Contact Hours / (DAYS_TAUGHT * 6)
- Total: Average of the six weeks FTE calculations.
Total Weighted Special Ed FTEs
The individual year and SPED Instructional Arrangement FTE rows are multiplied by the respective weight noted below then summed to reflect the Total.

Use the Show Weighted Rows toggle option (located on filter row) to display the individual row weighted FTEs which comprise the Total reported.
Special Education Mainstream ADA:
- ADA by six weeks – (Sum of all students’ total eligible days present (E0940) (includes RA (E1689) and RS (E1688) eligible days present ) identified from 42401 Special Programs Attendance in a six-week period / number days taught (E0935) in the six week period) / 6 (or number of reporting periods reported in Summer file upload)
Dyslexia Student Count:
- Unduplicated count of students receiving at least one Dyslexia Service as reported on Dyslexia Services Code (E1650)
Career & Technical Education FTE:
· Funding Tiers :
- Tier 1 – Not an Approved Program of Study – student is enrolled in a CTE Service ID NOT associated with a Program of Study (POS)
- Reference TEA Program of Study resources for service ids and weighted funding by POS.
- Tier 2 – Levels 1 & 2 in an Approved Program of Study ; student is enrolled in a CTE Service ID designated as a Level 1 or Level 2 course per TEA Program of Study references noted above.
- Tier 3 – Levels 3 & 4 in an Approved Program of Study ; student is enrolled in a CTE Service ID designated as a Level 3 or Level 4 course per TEA Program of Study references noted above.
FTE per Tier
- Career & Technical Education FTE = Total Contact Hours / (DAYS_TAUGHT * 6)
- Contact Hours = (Eligible days present V1…V3 (E0950…E0952) + RS Eligible days present V1…V3 (E1696…E1698) + RA Eligible days present V1…V2 (E1702…E1704) * respective Vcode WEIGHT)
- Multiply the sum of Career and Technical Education eligible days present by the corresponding weight factor to calculate contact hours:
- (V1 – weight 1)
- (V2 – weight 2)
- (V3 – weight 3).
- Multiply the sum of Career and Technical Education eligible days present by the corresponding weight factor to calculate contact hours:
- Sum the contact hours for all Career and Technical Education codes within the track.
- Divide the total contact hours for each track by 6 times the number of days taught to yield the Career and Technical Education FTE for the track.
- Contact Hours = (Eligible days present V1…V3 (E0950…E0952) + RS Eligible days present V1…V3 (E1696…E1698) + RA Eligible days present V1…V2 (E1702…E1704) * respective Vcode WEIGHT)
- Total: Average of the tier six weeks FTE calculations.
The following two areas (P-TECH and NTN) were updated in ODS 1/28/2025 retroactive to 2021-2022 to utilize ADA and not Enrollment – reference The 22-23 TEA Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (pg 165) for this clarification.
- ADA = Refined ADA calcualtion of students reported with Summer PEIMS P-TECH Indicator (E1612) = 1.
New Tech Network (NTN) ADA
- ADA = Refined ADA calcualtion of students reported with Summer PEIMS New Tech Network (NTN) Indicator (E1647) equal 1.
Regular Program ADA
- Refined ADA minus Total Special Education FTEs minus Career & Technology FTES (Tier 1 – Tier 3)
Compensatory Education Enrollment
The Census Tiers are updated and stored during TSDS Fall PEIMS file loads in OnDataSuite(ODS). If a new TEA Census Block Mapping file is loaded in ODS, the changes are reflected in the report once the Fall PEIMS file is reloaded in ODS.
Tier counts: Count of students based upon residence census block SES Tier associated with the students’ Fall PEIMS Census Block Group (E1648) information reported in PEIMS. Using the respective school year Census Block Group Mapping for 20xx State Funding reference in the District and Planning Tools subsection on the State Funding website provided by TEA to link the Census Block Group (E1648) to the reported SES Tier.
All Homeless Students (E1082) (C189) = 2, 3, 4 or 5 student’s assigned to Tier 5 funding effective 2020-2021.
Compensatory Education Pregnant FTE (Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) FTE):
PRS FTE is calculated as the sum of total pregnancy-related services days eligible (E0939) (includes RA PRS days eligible (E1687) and RS PRS days eligible (E1686)) multiplied by 0.2936. The product is divided by the number of days taught for each grade within the reporting period/instructional track.
- Pregnancy Related Services FTE = ([DAYS_PREG * 0.2936] / DAYS_TAUGHT
- Total: Averageof the six weeks FTE calculations.
SCE Residential Facility Placement Enrollment:
Residential Placement Facility – parent does not reside in district, Eco Dis students w/o Disability:
- # Economic Disadvantaged: students with Student Attribution (E1000) = 21 or 23 AND Eco Dis (E0785) = 01, 02, 99 AND ADA Eligibility (E0787) = 1, 2, 3, 6 or 7 AND Homeless (E1082) = 0 AND Primary Disability (E0042) = 00. Per TEA guidance HB3 Update – Residential Facility Data Reporting and Funding Update these students do not report Census Block data and the SCE allotment is calculated separate from Tier 1 – Tier 5 funding.
Gifted and Talented count:
The student count eligible for G/T Allotment Funding.
Student Count: Participating in Gifted/Talented Program – count of students reporting participating (1) in Gifted-Talented-Indicator-Code for Summer PEIMS
- If the Student Count: Participating in Gifted / Talented Program is greater than G/T Funding Limit: 5% of Current Year Refined ADA
- the funding count is G/T Funding Limit:5% of Current Year Refined ADA;
- If the Student Count: Participating in Gifted / Talented Program is less than or equal to G/T Funding Limit: 5% of Current Year Refined ADA
- the funding count to Student Count: Participating in Gifterd/Talented Program.
Bilingual/ESL ADA:
- 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 RA/RS Bilingual/ESL Funding Codes included in criteria: Bilingual/ESL Funding Code (E1651), RS Bilingual/ESL Funding Code (E 1680) and RA Bilingual/ESL Funding Code (E1681)
- Bilingual/ESL ADA – Not in Dual Language Program – EB ADA calculation for students reported with Bilingual/ESL Funding Code (E1651) = “BE” AND the student is EmergentBilingualIndicator (E0790) = 1
- Special Program ADA calculation for selected students’ eligible Bilingual/ESL days present (E0938) from 42401 Special Programs Attendance.
- Bilingual – Dual Language One & Two Way Pgm – EB ADA calculation for students reported with (Bilingual /ESL Funding Code (E1651) = “D1” OR “D2”) AND student is EmergentBilingualIndicator (E0790) = 1.
- Special Program ADA calculation for selected students’ eligible Bilingual/ESL days present (E0938) from 42401 Special Programs Attendance.
- Bilingual – Dual Language Two Way Pgm – Non EB ADA calculation for students reported with Bilingual/ESL Funding Code (E1651) = “D2” AND the student is Not Emergent Bilingual (E0790) = 0, F, S, 3, 4 or 5)
- Special Program ADA calculation for selected students’ eligible Bilingual/ESL days present (E0938) from 42401 Special Programs Attendance
Early Education Refined ADA District Summary:
HB3 funding for grades K-3 only. Students may be duplicated counted.
- K-3 Educationally Disadvantaged students: Students classified as Economic Disadvantaged (E0785) =01, 02 or 99 and in grade K – 3.
- Basic Attendance ADA calculation for selected students.
- K-3 Limited English Proficient students: Students classified as LEP (E0790) = 1 and in grade K-3.
- Basic Attendance ADA calculation for selected students.
- Total: Sum of K-3 Educationally Disadvantaged students ADA and K-3 Limited English Proficient students ADA.
College Career and Military Readiness Outcome Bonus
This section is based upon Annual Graduates data two years prior to the SOF funding year. Ex: 22-23 counts are from the HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Graduate Funding Estimate or TEA Final Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Funding Report report for the 20-21 year (Annual 2021 Graduates) depending upon what data sources are loaded in ODS.
The section column headings will identify the data sources:
- Estimate is derived from the Above Threshold CCMR OB Estimate as calculated and displayed on the HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Funding Estimates report. Reference the report notes for details on the data sources and calculations.
- TEA is derived from the TEAL CCMR Outcome Bonus “Final” file if loaded in ODS for the respective funding year. Reference TEA Final CCMR Outcome Bonus report notes for data sources and calculations.
Public Education Grant (PEG) ADA District Summary.
- Basic Attendance ADA calculation for all students reported with Student Attribution (E1000) = 03 (PEG)
Residential Placement Facility ADA District Summary
- Special Program ADA calculation for all students’ eligible Residential Facility days present (E1652) including RA and RS eligible days (E1685 and E1684) from 42401 Special Programs Attendance.
- Show/Hide Filters (toggles filters off and on)
- Filters:
- Year (multi-year select) (default is latest two years of Fall and Summer PEIMS data loaded beginning with the 21-22 school year)
- Campus (multi-campus selection option) *Not all District level calculations are feasible for funding at a Campus level per SOF definitions – these will be rows labeled N/A or greyed out.
- Hide/Show Difference Columns (default is to display/show the Difference and % of Change columns between the years reported)
- Show/Hide Weighted Rows (default is the Special Education Weighted FTE rows are hidden, select Show to display them on the report and Hide to toggle the details off). This toggle does not affect the Total Weighted Special Education FTEs row. It simply provides the details of the value reported.
- Drilldowns will link to the source Finance – Summary of Finance (SOF) Reports – Student Funding Details report where details such as by reporting period values, etc. are provided for the respective total.
- Export to Excel
- Bookmark
- Report Info
- Finance Reporting Period Override
Resources for Calculations: TEA HB3 Resource page: