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  2. TEA Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Preliminary Graduate File Viewer

TEA Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Preliminary Graduate File Viewer

Report Location: Accountability >State: Accountability Report Center > HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) > TEA Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Files

Summary: This is a report to review the file upload from TEA of the Preliminary published CCMR Outcome Bonus (OB) Roster with OB criteria.

As of 4/11/2024 – TEA updated the Preliminary Graduate File to an Early Counts Outcome Bonus Graduate file and includes all OB criteria INCLUDING CCMR OB Met, Enrolled in Higher Ed and CCMR OB College Ready as collected by TEA at the time the file is published. This reporting begins with the 2022 Graduates.

Note: TEA Preliminary Graduate Rosters for 2020 and 2021 includes all OB criteria EXCEPT for CCMR OB Met, Enrolled in Higher Ed and CCMR OB College Ready as collected by TEA at the time the file is released.

A FINAL TEA roster of CCMR OB status is released to LEAs once all data is received by TEA. Reference TEA Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Final Graduate File Viewer for details.

The earliest report year option available is the 2019-2020 year . This was the earliest year CCMR Outcome Bonus data was available to calculate in OnDataSuite, if all data sources are loaded.

Data Sources: TEAL – CCMR Outcome Bonus

Show/Hide Filters (toggle to display the filter options – default is Hide)

Filter Options:

  • Year
    • Year Filter ( Default latest year TEA Preliminary file )
  • Campus
    • Default – All Campuses
    • Campuses listed reporting students in grades 7 – 12.
  • Student Indicator
    • Default is All Students
    • Eco Dis, Non Eco Dis and Special Ed (indicators related to Outcome Bonus Funding categories)
  • CCMR
    • All CCMR – Show all graduates regardless of TEA CCMR Outcome Bonus status
    • CCMR OB Met – Only graduates that have a CCMR Outcome Bonus = “Y”
    • CCMR OB College Ready – Only graduates that have a CCMR OB College Ready = “Y”
    • CCMR OB Career Ready – Only graduates that have a CCMR OB Career Ready = “Y”
    • CCMR OB Not Met – Only graduates that have a CCMR Outcome Bonus = “N”
    • CCMR OB College Not Met – Only graduates that have a CCMR OB College Ready = “N”
    • CCMR OB Career Not Met – Only graduates that have a CCMR OB Career Ready = “N”
  • Focus List (Optional)


  • Drill down SSN for detailed Student Profile.
  • Tools : Export to Excel, Bookmark and Report Notes
Updated on 06/06/2024

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