As of 9/5/2024 the 2024-2025 SOF data sources reporting are using the new TSDS Ed-Fi rules. For latest information regarding the Ed-Fi implementation in OnDataSuite, reference the resources at
- With the transition to Ed-Fi transactional data feeds, a process to “Promote” data by Submission (Fall, MidYear, Summer, etc..) is automatically run in OnDataSuite with the nightly data pulls from your TEA IODS Landing Zone. We are working off the TEA published Promotion Logic . As submission 24-25 promotion logic updates are released, we work to incorporate the respective submission promotion logic changes into the 24-25 year promotion within OnDataSuite.
The 24-25 Finance – Summary of Finance (SOF) reports based upon HB3 and HB1525 funding requirements are based primarily upon Fall and Summer PEIMS data as it promotes from the TEA Ed-Fi IODS.
- In order to maximize the potential of these reports for Summary of Finance template updates and projections, the submissions listed below, are required.
- NOTE: If any of these submissions are missing, or required data is missing from the files, the reports may generate but have incomplete, inaccurate or no data.
- Data Sources (utilize the File Center – Info links on the respective files for details on data loaded)
- The Required TSDS XML or CSV files
- Prior Years (23-24 and earlier) – Fall PEIMS (should be the Final xml file as submitted to TEA TSDS)
- Prior Years (23-24 and earlier) – Summer PEIMS (should be the Final xml file as submitted to TEA TSDS)
- The Required TSDS Ed-Fi data – Reference KB for details on how to identify what data is flowing in OnDataSuite from your TEA Ed-Fi IODS.
- Current Year (as of 24-25) – Fall Ed-Fi API data begins with preliminary submission promotion and should reflect the Final submission promotion to TEA TSDS once it is completed.
- Current Year (as of 24-25)– Summer Ed-Fi API ATTENDANCE data begins with preliminary submission promotion and should reflect Final submission promotion to TEA TSDS once it is completed. (calculations will update with each Ed-Fi API pull).
- The Required TSDS XML or CSV files

- HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Graduate Funding Estimate – this report is based upon OnDataSuite CCMR Early Warning System data sources AND Fall and Summer PEIMS. For details on how this report is generated and to be used reference the Report Notes.
- HB3 Compensatory Education – Eco Dis/Census Tiers is based upon Fall PEIMS.
- Gifted/Talented (GT) Funding (HB1525) is based upon Summer PEIMS.
- HB3 Student ADA – Refined, Flex Attend, SPED Mainstrm, Bil, Early Ed, PEG, Res Facility report is based upon Summer PEIMS attendance reporting.
- HB3 Student Count – Dyslexia Services Report is based upon Summer PEIMS.
- HB3 Student FTE– Special Ed, CTE, PRS Post 2021 reports require Summer PEIMS data to populate all sections of the report. Reference report notes for specific data elements utilized in the various sections of the report.
- Summary of Finance – Student Data Summary utilizes Summer and Fall PEIMS as reflected in the reports above. Summer PEIMS attendance reporting is the primary data source that will open the current year .
“Report Info”, (under Tools) for each report, provides specific details on which files are required to populate the report fully.
Best Practice recommendation is to use these reports to monitor data submissions routinely throughout the year.