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Staff Certification List

Report Location: Staff > Staff Custom Reports > Staff Certifications

Summary: This report provides a list of Staff Certification records from the Educator Certification Online System (ECOS). (Reference Loading TEAL – Staff Certifications for details on the file upload specifications).

Usage: Utilize to sort, filter and analyze various types of Staff Certification data based upon the Texas staff certification record.

Data Source: TEA TEAL Educator Certification Online System (ECOS) Staff Certification and Sanction file. (Reference https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/staff-certifications/ for additional guidance on downloading the file from TEAL ECOS.)


All elements reported reflect the ECOS file information unedited in OnDataSuite.

Note: Teacher Designation and Designation Expiry Date columns are related to Teacher Incentive Allotment designations received and reported on the ECOS staff members official certification record.


  • Year : default is latest year of Staff Certifications loaded. (single select)
  • Status: default is “All Statuses” (single select)
    • Status options: Valid, Suspended, Inactive, Expire and Denied
  • Expiration Years: default is “All Years” (multi-select)
    • Options provided are based upon the calendar year of the reported Certificate Expiration Date
  • Type: default is “All Types” (multi-select)
    • Options are based upon the various Certificate Type reflected on the Certification record reported.
  • Level: default is “All Levels” (multi-select)
    • Options are based upon the various Certificate Levels reflected on the Certification record reported.
  • Field: default is “All Fields” (multi-select)
    • Options are based upon the various Field Code reflected on the Certification record reported.
  • Designations: default is “All Designations” (multi-select)
    • Options are based upon the various approved Teacher Designation reflected on the Certification record reported: Recognized, Master or Exemplary


  • Hide/Show Filters: Toggle to turn on and off the filter options on the report. Default is ‘Show’.
  • Tools Menu:
    • Export to Excel
    • Bookmark
    • Report Notes

Updated on 04/02/2024

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