Uploading T-TESS Teacher Appraisals into OnDataSuite -Once a file is created as defined above, use the following steps to upload into OnDataSuite:
Log into OnDataSuite, go to “File Center”/ “Data Sources”
Select the blue “Teacher Appraisals” tab under the T-TESS heading.
Scroll and Use the green “Click to upload Teacher Appraisal files” button to browse to the file created to upload.
Once the file is selected: choose the year the file is associated with and click Start Upload. **Note Cancel Upload from this point will reset you to the previous step.
The ‘Year’ selection should match to the year of the appraisals.
Only one file is maintained per year. If current file already exists for a particular year, a new file load for that same year will replace existing file.
User Permissions to access Teacher Appraisal ratings is restricted by default. Any user needing to access the scoring dimensions and domains in this file upload must have the local ODS Administrator grant Restricted Access to Teacher Appraisals.
WHERE is this data utilized:
OnDataSuite is currently working on this data to provide Teacher Incentive Allotment related reporting under Staff Custom Reports. Watch for updates Fall 2023.
As of 10/18/2023: Staff Custom Reports – Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) Reports – T-TESS Teacher Appraisal File Viewer to verify the data loaded as intended from the CCMR Outcome Bonus upload.
TIA Teacher Observation average scores and associated student growth measures reporting is in current development. Updates will be posted as release target dates are confirmed.
Feel Free to submit a support ticket if you have questions.