ODS CCMR EWS Supplement Excel Template

Please use the link below to download the OnDataSuite CCMR EWS Supplemental Template.

For DETAILED information about how this file is used please visit the knowledgebase article here: CCMR EWS Supplemental Files

IMPORTANT NOTE: The latest updated CCMR EWS Supplement Template in the download link below MUST be used to update CCMR Supplement files on or after 05-22-24. The new template contains a column span from A through T and all columns are required even if they are not in use.

The template posted below was updated as of 06/14/24 at 11:10 AM MST. The prior posted template contained extra hidden sheets that may have caused upload issues for districts attempting to load prior to this date. Districts that downloaded the file posted before the date/time listed above should delete that template file and download/use the file below. We apologize for any confusion.

Reminder: when using the above linked template there are three (3) required columns

Column A – Accountability Year
Column B – Student ID
Column Q – Student First Name

Updated on 06/14/2024

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