CCMR EWS System Update Log

As the CCMR Early Warning System evolves with annual state requirement changes and updates, we will periodically be pushing out updates to ensure that districts are reviewing the most accurately represented data possible. These updates are in direct relation to state-required changes as stated in annual accountability manual releases as well as system tickets input by districts notifying us of areas that need to be addressed. 

It is important to remember that the CCMR EWS report is different than the district Domain 1 CCMR calculation as it is not bound to the restrictions of the manual. This allows for the review of students’ possible CCMR points outside of the grade 12/graduate restrictions.

All data in this report should reflect the correlation between the PEIMS data files to the manually updated college board, ACT, TSIA, and IB files. 

This log is intended to provide our clients with a list of items that have been changed in the system in between scheduled system-wide version updates. 

Update Log
09/23/24Changes to IBC columns 2024-2025

Removed IBC PEIMS 2023 AND 2024 columns

Upped the grade levels for the CCMR Met column when students are Flagged, IBC Only: 12th looking at IBC PEIMS 2025; 9-11th looking at IBC PEIMS 2026
08/30/24Ed-Fi Integration Impact on CCMR EWS Report Update for 2024-2025 School Year

As of the 2025-26 school year, districts are now required by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to submit their PEIMS data through the newly implemented Ed-Fi connection.

Previously, district PEIMS teams had the flexibility to export XML files or sync them from their Student Information System (SIS) directly to the OnDataSuite file center at any time. However, this year, the only method available for submission is via Ed-Fi to the TEA IODS.

To ensure that the CCMR EWS report accurately reflects your data, two key actions are required:

1. The designated OnDataSuite administrator in your district must establish the TEA Ed-Fi IODS Connection within OnDataSuite. Setup Instructions

2. Once the connection is configured, your SIS needs to send data to the TEA IODS. OnDataSuite will then automatically pull this data nightly into the CCMR EWS reports.

Important Note
OnDataSuite can only retrieve data that is present in the TEA IODS. Therefore, district leadership should collaborate with their PEIMS teams to determine the timeline for when data will begin flowing from the local SIS to the TEA IODS.

System Confirmation
OnDataSuite has successfully tested and confirmed that data is being pulled from the TEA IODS into CCMR EWS reports for districts that have already started sending data via their SIS.

Data Verification Encouraged
During this transitional year, we strongly encourage districts to review the data elements in their CCMR EWS reports to ensure accuracy. Although the PEIMS data elements used in these reports have not changed, there may be delays in data updates. Districts should carefully review their reports for any discrepancies and submit a support ticket if issues arise.

Go Live Status Page
Go Live 2024-2025 Status

OnDataSuite Ed-Fi Overview FAQ
OnDataSuite Ed-Fi Overview – Q & A (2024-2025 and Beyond)
7/09/24Update made to the OnSync TSIA Accuplacer sync process

Updated daily OnSync pulls to reload the latest 12 files. Each file covers a whole month with the exception of the latest one. This equates to about a year of data reloading every day to ensure that all students are captured.

Reason: The College Board Accuplacer system is posting student scores into months that had already been previously pulled in the OnSync process. Our prior sync pull was only going back three months from day of pull to catch this, but the Accuplacer site was placing records even further back that we were not aware of. This rectifies the issue.

Update made to the TSIA Accuplacer calculation of highest score used in any combination Math and Reading in the CCMR EWS report

Fixed issue where highest scored item across all test records was not always being used in the calculation.

Example: If a student tested in Mathematics on 1-11-23 and scored a 945 with a diagnostic score of 4 and later tested on 04-12-23 and scored a 940 with a diagnostic score of 6, the CCMR EWS would only use the one (highest) line of 945 and diagnostic value of 4 whereas it should have used the combination of 945 and a diagnostic value of 6
5/23/24Incorrect Supplement file template posted

The CCMR EWS Supplement file template posted yesterday evening has been updated as of 05/23/24 at 10:41 CST. We had inadvertently posted the wrong template last night.

Districts that downloaded the file posted between 6 pm 5/22/24 through 10:40 am 05/23/24 should delete that template file and download/use the file below.

We apologize for any confusion.

CCMR EWS Supplement File Template Link
5/22/24Update to CCMR Supplemental file procedure

Adding SPED Adv Grad Plan to CCMR Supplement File
We will be adding a SPED Adv Grad Plan column to end of supplement file (Column T)

Reason for addition: Multiple district request

Important Note: As of 05/22/24 any update to a supplemental file after this posting will need to download and use the new template posted in the supporting KB article (link below).

WHY? The new parser requires an upload column span from column A (Accountability Year) through column T (Sped Adv Deg Plan). The prior year column span was A through S

What if I have a supplement file loaded prior to this date? This update does not affect supplement files that were uploaded prior to 05/22/24 using the prior template. However, any updates to the current file in your file center will require the use of the new template

Supplement File KB Article:
5/17/2024Update to IBC PEIMS 2024

The following will be excluded for the IBC PEIMS 2024 calculation for students in the class of 2024, accountability year 2025 [Earn IBC (2019–2022 & 2022–2025 lists with sunsetting limit) plus 1 course in aligned program of study ^1]

(1) One course that is level two or higher (excludes Career Prep I, Extended Career Prep I, Project Based Research, and/or Scientific Research and Design)

12701300 Career Preparation I
12701305 Career Preparation I/Extended Career Preparation
12701500 Project-Based Research (First Time Taken)
12701510 Project-Based Research (Second Time Taken)
12701520 Project-Based Research (Third Time Taken)
13037200 Scientific Research and Design

Why is this being done?

See chart -Reference TEA Accountability Manual Chapter 2 page 19
5/17/24IBC PEIMS 2024, 2025, 2026 Update: We discovered some corrupted data items in our Aligned IBCs to Program of Study tables.  IBCs and years impacted listed below.

If you reported any IBC for the year(s) in the list below, your IBC PEIMS indicators could change.

Years affected
2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022
IBC affected
813 – Texas State Florist’s Association Level I Floral Certification 

Year affected
IBCs affected
181 – ASE Heating, Ventilation, AC (HVAC)
271 – ASE Entry-Level Medium/Heavy Truck, Brakes (TB)
281 – ASE Entry-Level Medium/Heavy Truck, Diesel Engines (DE)
301 – ASE Entry-Level Medium/Heavy Truck, Electrical/Electronic Systems (TE)
321 – ASE Entry-Level Medium/Heavy Truck, Suspension and Steering (TS)
420 – Certified Veterinary Assistant, Level 1
537 – Feedyard Technician in Machinery Operation, Repair and Maintenance
660 – NCCER Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Level I
830 – Water Operators, Class D
850 – Machining Measurement, Material, and Safety Level I
998 – HBI Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training (PACT), Brick Masonry
999 – HBI Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training (PACT), Building Construction Technology
1000 – HBI Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training (PACT), Basic Carpentry
1001 – HBI Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training (PACT), Core
1002 – HBI Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training (PACT), Basic Electrical
1003 – HBI Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training (PACT), Green Core
1004 – HBI Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training (PACT), Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
1032 – Pre-Professional Certification in Nutrition, Food, and Wellness
1076 – Heating, Electrical, & Air Conditioning Technology (H.E.A.T.)
1085 – Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals

5/14/24Update to CCMR EWS High Focus Column

The following update was made to the CCMR EWS High Focus column calculation

We updated the Eco Dis filter to accept “01”, “02” and “9” as valid responses, in addition to the original codes of “1”,”2″,”99″.

Reason for update
Several student information systems produce all the values listed above differently. This update looks for all variations of the accepted code.

CCMR EWS Crosswalk calculation of high focus for reference
Economically Disadvantaged – E0785 (C054) = 01, 02, 99 OR
Emergent Bilingual – E0790 (C061) = 1, F, S OR
Current Special Education – E0794 (C088) = 1 OR
Highly Mobile

4/26/24Update to CCMR EWS ‘CCMR Met’ filter option

We changed the filter options on the CCMR EWS report CCMR Met column to a multi-select option for Y,N,S that can be selected independently or all together. Prior to this update the filter process were grouped. Updated options are now

Multi Select feature to allow Select All, Deselect All

Prior Selections that were replaced
CCMR Met (Y & S)
CCMR Met (Y Only)
CCMR Met (S Only)
CCMR Met Not Met

4/17/2024Corrected Assoc Deg to include Fall Leavers if applicable.
4/15/24Update to CCMR Supplemental file procedure

CCMR Industry Certification – Removal of S override procedure. Users will now be required to remove a student from their supplement file to allow the system to calculate this value

Reason for change: The current override logic would override an ‘S’ value if at least one Post Secondary Certification Licensure exists, override for any year. The CCMR calculation always checks first for data that supports the calculation of this item as intended. Clients had expected to see an ‘S’ value for students that had previously failed but supporting calculation logic data to confirmed an ‘N’, so the the ‘S’ was overridden.

What does this mean?: The supplement file will no longer apply the override logic so users will have to remove the student from the supplement file Industry Certification location to allow the system to calculate using system data otherwise the cell will display the letter ‘S’ until its removal.

A district has coded a 9th grade student as an ‘S’ in a supplement file in 2023. That student will show up as an ‘S’ in the IBC PEIMS Columns for the 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026 years until the student is removed from the list. Once removed, the system will rely on PEIMS data to confirm the ‘Y’ or ‘N’ status of the student.

Supplement File KB Article:
4/15/24Update to CCMR Supplemental file procedure

Adding Dual Credit to CCMR Supplement File
We will be adding a Dual Credit column to end of supplement file

Reason for addition: If a district receives a new student who obtained some dual credit college hours somewhere else, these values will never be reported by a location in the districts PEIMS file, therefore it would not be able to calculate dual credit completely. TEA is the entity who has the statewide course data.

Supplement File KB Article:
4/8/24Update to IBC PEIMS 2024

Per 2024 Accountability manual, Appendix H, page 186:
If a course was ever a level 2 in any Program of Study, it will be considered a level 2 in all Programs of Study.

Four Service IDs were changed to count as Level 2 regardless of the Program of Study code up through 2023-2024:
13009900-Professional Communications
13011400-Business Information Management I
03580810-Web Communications
13004210-Principles of Architecture

This impact will cause anyone who passed the completed part of these courses in any year to count as Y for IBC PEIMS 2024 if aligned since the level is greater than 1.
3/27/24Update to CCMR Supplement ‘S’ displays

Modify the update logic for the CCMR Supplemental file to ensure that the IBC supplemental is correctly marked as “S” when appropriate.

Note. Any student who has a supplemental file loaded will count in the CCMR EWS numerator until its value is either removed from the supplemental file upload OR is superseded by a confirmed data value override. For details on the CCMR Supplemental file and the override process please visit the related link below:
3/11/24Update to AP/IB Supplement Override Logic

Updated override logic used to calculate AP/IB when supplement file has been loaded for a student that also has AP or IB file loaded in file center.

Reasons for change: Prior to this update a student who had a supplement file loaded that also had either an AP or IB file loaded would leave the default value shown in the AP/IB column and CCMR MET column showing as an ‘S’ value. The update now will allow the uploaded file to supersede supplement ‘S’ value and place either a ‘Y’ or ‘N’ value depending on the students uploaded score.

AP Criterion score is >= 3
IB Criterion score is >= 4

For details on the supplemental file upload override logic please visit the related KB article supplement file upload override details
3/06/24Update to IBC PEIMS 2024 Column

Updated to require the Service ID to not only have a program of study level > 1
but to also have a course sequence code = 0, 2, 5, 9, D0, D2, D5, or D9
AND Pass/Fail Credit Indicator Code = 01 or 08
2/19/24Updates made to the CCMR IBC Column’s

Renamed ‘CCMR Met IBC Only’ column header. Header now titled ‘Flagged,
IBC Only

Reason for change: Wording was causing confusion. A value of ‘Y’ in this column was meant to represent the fact that the student was only meeting as a ‘Y’ in any of the projected IBC columns, but not in any other CCMR point location.

Example:  A student may have met the 2023 IBC and show ‘Y’ in IBC 2023 column, but would show as an ‘N’ in the CCMR Met column)

Moved ‘Flagged, IBC Only column to end of all IBC PEIMS columns
Reason for change: Moved from the CCMR Met column so that it would not cause confusion for reason stated above.

Updated effect of CCMR Supplement File “industry cert’ upload on all IBC PEIMS Met columns
Reason for change: An upload of the CCMR Supplement file for students using the ‘industry cert’ value was not being superseded by the PEIMS value. Use of the Industry Cert column in the supplement file would result in the display of the letter ‘S’ in all IBC columns as well as it counting as a ‘Y’ value in the CCMR Met column.

The updated logic now will place an ‘S’ value in the IBC columns ONLY if there is not a supporting PEIMS value present. Once a PEIMS value exists for the student, it will supersede the supplement file as either a ‘Y’ or ‘N’

For more information about the supplement file and its override process please review the CCMR EWS Supplement KB article:

Update added to the CCMR EWS for AP/IB column in association with an uploaded supplement file
Added the ability use the CCMR Supplemental file to indicate a students anticipated students ‘met’ value for the AP/IB column. Users can now code a student as a ‘Y’ in the CCMR supplement file to be indicated as an ‘S’ value in the column, count as a ‘S’ in the CCMR EWS met column and be counted in the numerator in the AP/IB column when used.

For more information about the supplement file and its override process please review the CCMR EWS Supplement KB article:

Reason for change: District Request
2/14/24CCMR EWS Associated Degree Calculation Updated
Updated calculation of Associated Degree PEIMS Column

E1596 Associate Degree Indicator Code (C088) = 1: Through
Fall PEIMS 23-24 reporting

E1596 Associate Degree Indicator Code (C235) = 2,3,4,5 or 6:
As of Summer PEIMS 23-24 reporting

Reason for change: See supporting TEA documentation
1/31/24CCMR EWS Military Calculation Updated

Removed PEIMS from calculation of Military Column
PEIMS Fall – Interchange Student Enrollment 40203 School Leaver SchoolLeaverExtension Complex

E1589 Military Enlistment Indicator Code (C088) = 1

The inclusion of Military in the CCMR EWS calculation will now only be made if a CCMR EWS Supplement File is uploaded and will results in
CCMR EWS Military Column Value ‘S’ value AND CCMR EWS CCMR Met Column Value = ‘Y’

Reason for change: See supporting TEA documentation

CCMR EWS MET column updated to include ‘S’ from supplement file upload

Update to CCMR Met column. Value will now show the letter ‘S’ if a supplement file was uploaded. The ‘S’ value will be superseded by any other confirmed met indicator.

For example: If John Warren has a supplemental file uploaded indicating he should received OnRamps, the column will read ‘S’ and the CCMR Met column would also read ‘S’. 

However, if John Warren ALSO has an indicator of ‘Y’ in the CCMR Dual Credit location, then the CCMR Met column would read as ‘Y’

Updated the CCMR EWS Filter update to include
CCMR MET (Y only)
CCMR MET (S only)

Reason for change: District request to be able to filter CCMR Met by ‘S’ value only to track student progress without need to export to excel and filter.
12/6/23CCMR EWS report for years 2023-2024:

• IBC 2024, IBC 2025, and IBC 2026 columns have been added and reflect the CCMR requirements for IBC according to the phase-in including concentrator for 2025 (CTE Codes = 6 or 7) and completer for 2026 (CTE Codes = 7). These fields will calculate for all students regardless of the grade level. The CCMR supplement file is considered and will show S in all columns if not overridden with PEIMS reporting of the Post Secondary Certification Licensure code.

• CCMR Met will now apply the IBC PEIMS 2024-2026 columns according to the student’s grade level:
• 12th – IBC 2024 = Y
• 11th – IBC 2025 = Y
• 9th & 10th – IBC 2026 = Y

• Added CCMR Met IBC Only column to indicate those students who have CCMR Met = Y based solely on the IBC indicator (any IBC year)
12/5/23Updated all column value displays to display consistently
Example: Some columns used to display ‘Y’ or ‘N’ where others would display ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Now all ‘Yes’ values are displayed as ‘Y’ and all ‘No’ values are displayed as ‘N’
Complete rewrite of SpEd Graduate with Adv Grad Plan now does the following:
Student has one attendance data element in any of the following:
Updated e0806
o RHSP Value = 19, 22, 25, 28, or 31;
o DAP Value = 20, 23, 26, 29, or 32;
o FHSP* Value = 34, 35, 54, 55, 56 or 57

*If an FHSP code is used, an Endorsement Element ID must also be entered:
o Value = 2
o Value = 2
o Value = 2
o Value = 2
o Value = 2
o Value = 2

Dual Credit Updated
PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE element E0949 added code 08

College Prep Courses Updated
COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE element E0948 added codes D0, D2, D5, or D9

Added New Columns:
High Focus – Economically Disadvantaged, Emergent Bilingual, Current Special Education, Highly Mobile
Highly Mobile – Foster Care, Homeless, Migrant
Foster Care – E1528 (C196)
Homeless – E1082 (C182)
Migrant – E0984 (C088)

10/12/23Updates made to ACT and SAT CCMR Met calculations based on year of exam

Prior to 2/15/23 >= 19 on English and >= 23 Composite
After 2/15/23 >= 40 combined score of English and Reading

Prior to 3/5/2016 >= 1070 Combined Reading and Math AND >=500 on the Evidence Based Reading and Writing (ERW)
After 3/3/2016 >= 480 on the Evidence Based Reading and Writing (ERW)

Prior to 2/15/23
>= 19 for Mathematics and >= 23 Composite
After 2/15/23 >=22 Math

Prior to 3/5/2016
>= 1070 Combined Reading and Math AND >= 500 on Math
After 3/3/2016 >=530 Math

Supporting TAC Link$ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p_rloc=&p_tloc=&p_ploc=&pg=1&p_tac=&ti=19&pt=1&ch=4&rl=54

9/19/23CCMR EWS Industry Based Certification (IBC) Update for 2023 Accountability Reporting

This field calculation was updated in response to TEA emailed clarification response to how we calculated this value.

Added File/Field Location Used:
2022-2023 Interchange Student 40100 Student Basic Information StudentExtension Complex

Added Elements/Criteria/Notes Used:
2022-2023 E1733 Post Secondary Certification Licensure Result = 01 OR Prior to 2022-2023 E1640 Post Secondary Certification Licensure Code = values in C214 (Fall or Summer PEIMS)

Note: Only one criterion has to exist to get the credit.

Examples: *Student has two IBCs in 2022-2023, one with licensure result = 01, one with licensure result = 03, student gets credit *Student has one IBC in 2022-2023 with licensure result = 03 and one IBC in 2021-2022, student gets credit

NOTE: This update has not been applied to the IBC 2024 PEIMS column yet but will be updated soon and posted upon its completion
8/7/23ODS CTE Code
Added Auto calculation using Interchange Student Transcript 43415 Course Transcript CourseTranscriptExtension Complex

Added PDM3-404-002 Career and Technical Education Student Roster
6/28/23IBC 2024 PEIMS
Udated to additionally take into account the Post Secondary Certification Licensure Result – E1733. If student only has IBCs recorded in 2022-2023 and beyond and ALL are either passed (code 02) or failed (code 03), IBC 2024 PEIMS will be N.
5/31/23CCMR EWS Industry Based Certification (IBC) Update for 2023 Accountability Reporting

This field calculation was updated in response to TEA emailed clarification response to how we calculated this value.

Added File/Field Location Used:
2022-2023 Interchange Student 40100 Student Basic Information StudentExtension Complex

Added Elements/Criteria/Notes Used:
2022-2023 E1733 Post Secondary Certification Licensure Result = 01 OR Prior to 2022-2023 E1640 Post Secondary Certification Licensure Code = values in C214 (Fall or Summer PEIMS)

Note: Only one criterion has to exist to get the credit.

Examples: *Student has two IBCs in 2022-2023, one with licensure result = 01, one with licensure result = 03, the student gets credit *Student has one IBC in 2022-2023 with licensure result = 03 and one IBC in 2021-2022, the student gets credit

NOTE: This update has not been applied to the IBC 2024 PEIMS column yet but will be updated soon and posted upon its completion
5/10/23Military PEIMS

Added back to Military column to CCMR EWS for use in calculation. Data is supplied from the CCMR EWS Supplement File not a PEIMS location

Supporting KB Article
12/1/22CCMR EWS Industry Based Certification (IBC) Update for 2022-2023 Accountability Reporting

Reflected in CCMR EWS IBC 2024 PEIMS column

Updated method of calculation will now require that a student is not only enrolled in an IBC course in their PEIMS record, but that the course has an associated/aligned program of study with a service ID level GREATER than 1. Only students that meet this criteria combination will achieve a 1 point value and be considered as a ‘Y’ in the CCMR Met column of your CCMR EWS report.

Supporting KB Article
Updated on 09/23/2024

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