OnDataSuite(ODS) released February, 2023 the HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Graduate Funding Estimates report in Finance and Accountability for tracking, monitoring and projecting Summary of Finance student estimations related to the HB3 CCMR Outcome Bonus allocation.
As of November 6, 2023, ODS updated reporting related to the CCMR Outcome Bonus calculations to incorporate the TEA TEAL Outcome Bonus rosters. For details on the functionality related to uploads of TEA’s CCMR Outcome Bonus files, reference KB article https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/ccmr-outcome-bonus-files/
The TEA final files are a two year lag in release. Ex: August 2023, the 2021 Final CCMR Outcome Bonus files were published by TEA. These reports affect the final Summary of Finance (SOF) funding allocations for 2022-2023. This reporting will only populate if the LEA loads the files in ODS.
ODS offers an ESTIMATE of the CCMR Outcome Bonus funding counts through the latest reported graduates in TSDS PEIMS. Ex: 2023 graduates reported in Fall 2023 provide estimates and review of SOF allocations for 2024-2025 planning.
Locate these reports in Finance and Accountability.

HB3 established this new funding allotment beginning with the 2019-2020 funding year. This particular Summary of Finance (SOF) input is based upon multiple data sources including external sources reporting directly to TEA.

Military Enlisted credit reinstated with 2023 Graduates based upon TEA requirements, reference https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/ccmr-credit-for-military-enlistment-beginning-with-2023-graduates.pdf for details.
OnDataSuite provides functionality to capture all the external data EXCEPT the Higher Ed Enrollment to date as part of the Accountability – CCMR Early Warning System. This particular data source is required for a major portion of the HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) projections. Reference the Report Notes for details on the calculations ODS applies to project this funding estimate count.
Frequently Asked Questions – HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) report:
- Where is the report located?
- The report is designed for multiple purposes.
- One is to provide estimated student counts for the Finance Department to utilize with the Summary of Finance template projections.
- Finance > Finance Custom Reports > Summary of Finance (SOF) Reports > CCMR Outcome Bonus > HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Graduate Funding Estimates
- A second purpose is for the CCMR Administrator to track and monitor the individual student qualifications by graduation year for funding based upon the more rigorous CCMR Outcome Bonus requirements. A drilldown list of students is available from the report for this tracking.
- Accountability > State: Accountability Report Center > HB3 Outcome Bonus > HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Graduate Funding Estimates
- One is to provide estimated student counts for the Finance Department to utilize with the Summary of Finance template projections.
- The report is designed for multiple purposes.
- How do the years reported align with the years of funding projections?
- There is a 2 year lag between the Graduate reporting (and all associated CCMR requirements) and the Summary of Finance Funding year.
- This report is based upon the year the student graduated.
- Ex. 2022 graduates are reported to PEIMS in the Fall of 2022-2023. Once the 2022 graduates are reported by an LEA in PEIMS, the report will populate for 2021-2022 assuming the LEA is utilizing the CCMR EWS functionality.
- This 2022 graduate report will project the Summary of Finance projections/estimations for the 2023-2024 school year.
- What does CCMR Outcome Bonus (OB) College Ready mean?
- A student qualifies to count as CCMR OB College Ready IF one of the two conditions below is met:
- Earns an Associate Degree by August 31 immediately following high school graduation; OR
- Achieves college readiness standards used for accountability purposes on the ACT, the SAT, or the Texas Success Initiative assessment (TSIA) in ELA and Math ; AND
- enrolls at a postsecondary educational institution by the tenth instructional day of the fall semester immediately following high school graduation. **This data is currently not reported to ODS in PEIMS or from the Higher Ed Coordinating Board. The HB3 CCMR Outcome Bonus (CCMR) report will apply a calculation projecting potential qualifying students that have not already met one of the other CCMR OB funding criteria. Reference the Report Notes for calculation details.
- A student qualifies to count as CCMR OB College Ready IF one of the two conditions below is met:
- What does CCMR Outcome Bonus Career Ready mean?
- A student qualifies to count as CCMR OB Career Ready IF one of the two conditions below is met:
- Achieves college readiness standards used for accountability purposes on the ACT, the SAT, or the TSIA in ELA and Math; AND
- Earns an Industry-Based Certification (IBC) by August 31 immediately following high school graduation; OR
- Earns a Level I or Level II Certificate by August 31 immediately following high school graduation;
- Achieves college readiness standards used for accountability purposes on the ACT, the SAT, or the TSIA in ELA and Math; AND
- A student qualifies to count as CCMR OB Career Ready IF one of the two conditions below is met:
- Does a student generate funding as College Ready AND as Career Ready (duplicate count) if the student meets the qualifications in both CCMR OB College Ready AND CCMR OB Career Ready?
- Per TEA email inquiry: Districts earn CCMR Outcomes Bonus based on graduates who are Economically Disadvantaged, Non-Economically Disadvantaged and graduates who are enrolled in a special education program. Graduates could only count twice for the outcomes bonus if they met the criteria and were enrolled in a special education program (assuming the student also met the criteria and was on free/reduced lunch or was non-economically disadvantaged).
- Why does the CCMR EWS report of graduates for the same year as the HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Graduate Funding Estimates Report have fewer total graduates?
- The Baseline for CCMR EWS reporting excludes annual graduates (leaver reason code = 01) with Attribution code (E1000) = 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
- Why is Dual Credit not counted as Potential Higher Ed Enrolled for HB3 Outcome Bonus report?
- The HB3 funding criteria for CCMR Outcome Bonus is a more rigorous standard than CCMR Accountability and the Higher Ed Enrolled qualification is related to the student enrolling in a post-secondary institution within 10 days of the semester following graduation.
- Reference TEA: https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/ccmr-in-accountability-vs-outcomes-bonus-2022.pdf
- What IBC rules are applied to the HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) report?
- The report is using the respective year IBC Accountability rules: CCMR EWS Industry Based Certification (IBC) Update for 2022-2023 Accountability Reporting
- Is there a Supplemental File upload for HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) report different than the CCMR EWS Supplement file?
- Currently the only supplement file upload data utilized by HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) is from the CCMR EWS Supplemental File – Level I/ II Cert information and Military Enlisted (beginning with 2023 graduates).
- Is there a HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) upload for the TEA provided Preliminary Student lists and Final Graduate lists?
- This functionality was released late October, 2023. Reference https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/ccmr-outcome-bonus-files/ for more details.