STAAR 3-8 STAAR Frequency Distribution

STAAR Frequency Distribution Report

The STAAR 3-8 Frequency Distribution Report requires that the user enter the following initial criteria prior to the report being run. All query criteria entered is generated from the uploaded STAAR 3-8 Data File.

Subject (Test Subject)
Version (Test Version)
Admin Month
Language (Defaults to English)
Test Admin Mode (Paper/Online)
Ethnicity (Defaults to All)
Special Population (Optional / Defaults to No Selection)

This report provides a graphical representation of your results by scale score and includes watermark indicators that show the approaches, meets and masters levels within the displayed scale score values. Additionally, each bar charted graph can be clicked on to take the user to the student list view or the graphically represented scale score aggregate.

Graphical Representation

Graphical representation of student performance on particular assessment chosen by user for particular filters selected.

Left Axis = Scale Score

Bottom Axis = # of students

Four Columns on Right correspond to row on chart.

RAW = Raw Score equivalent for the scale score.

FREQ = Number of students achieving scale score.

CUM = Cumulative Number of students achieving scale score.

PCT = % of total students achieving scale score.

CUM = Cumulative % of total students achieving scale score.

Updated on 03/10/2023

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