To navigate to the staff profile for any staff member:
1. Click on the hyperlink under Staff ID in any staff detailed list (must have access to Staff Details).

2. Use Search to locate a staff member by any number of elements, and then click on the Staff ID.

Staff Overview
- Includes latest Demographics and Employment History loaded in PEIMS along with most recent year of 30060 – Payroll Accounting and 30090 – Responsibilities records
- Note: Must have Staff DOB access to view the Date of Birth and Age
Employment History – Fall
- Displays PEIMS Fall staff data in the 30040 and 30050 employment records along with the FTE total in district
Payroll Accounting – Fall
- Displays PEIMS Fall staff data in the 30060 payroll records
- Note: Must have Staff Payroll access to see the Payroll Amount
Responsibilities – Fall
- Displays PEIMS Fall staff data in the 30090 responsibility records
PE Responsibilities – Fall
- Specifically designed for displaying the additional weekly number days taught and number minutes taught elements for teachers who should have PE service IDs
Classroom Link – Smr Pre 19-20
- Shows the master schedule data from the PEIMS summer submission last reported in 2018-2019
Class Roster
Class Roster Fall
- Displays all staff elements for the Class Roster Fall collection
Class Roster Winter
- Displays all staff elements for the Class Roster Winter collection
- Displays all staff elements for the ECDS KG Staff collection
- Displays all staff elements for the ECDS PK Staff collection
TEA Educator Certification Online
Staff Certification
- Displays staff certification information if loaded in the File Center under TEAL>Staff Certifications
- Printer friendly version of displayed screen
- See Printer Friendly Dashboard for a short video on controlling printing options in PDF
- Staff detailed lists also have the ability to print the Staff Profile – Overview screen for all staff in the list under the Tools dropdown
- Note: Allows only up to 1,000 staff due to browser limitations. Use criteria filtering to return a smaller subset such as campus or role ID, etc.