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  2. CTE Service IDs Considered For Auto Calculation of CTE & Program of Study Codes

CTE Service IDs Considered For Auto Calculation of CTE & Program of Study Codes

Location: Student Profile Dashboard>Summer PEIMS>CTE

  • This section displays all service IDs considered in the auto calculation of CTE and Program of Study and lists all of the corresponding programs of study that are offered at the district according to the Fall PEIMS 10010 record (E1643).
    • Note: Only service IDs associated with a Program of Study the LEA offers will be displayed
  • CTE Transfer Courses loaded to the File Center are also listed here with a green check mark under the Transfer Course column.
  • Sort is by Program of Study, Year, Service ID
  • Course Sequence codes will only be 0, 2, 5, 9, D0, D2, D5, D9 since the calculation only includes completed parts of a course.
    • Note: Not all service IDs that are in a student’s course completion data will be displayed if they only took the first part(s) of the course and did not complete it based on the course sequence codes listed above
  • Use Pass/Fail, Credit, and Level with the chart below to evaluate how OnDataSuite performed the auto calculation.
  • Career Cluster is included for informational purposes only.

CTE and Program of Study Auto Calculation

CTE CodeCTE Code Logic
7-CompleterUnique Sum of Service ID E0724 in summer and extended year (and CTE Transfer courses if loaded) >= 3 and Pass/Fail Credit E0949 = 01 or 08ANDSum of Credit >= 4ANDSame Program of StudyANDService ID E0724 = Level 3 or Level 4 within same program of study
6-ConcentratorUnique Sum of Service ID E0724 in summer and extended year (and CTE Transfer courses if loaded) >= 2 and Pass/Fail Credit E0949 = 01 or 08ANDSum of Credit >= 2ANDSame Program of StudyANDNot CTE Code 7
5-ParticipantUnique Sum of Service ID E0724 in summer and extended year (and CTE Transfer courses if loaded) = 1 OR
Unique Sum of Service ID E0724 in summer and extended year (and CTE Transfer courses if loaded) > 1


Sum of Credit < 2
E-ExplorerUnique Sum of Service ID E0724 in summer and extended year (and CTE Transfer courses if loaded) >=2ANDSum of Credit >= 2ANDNot CTE Code 5,6,7
4-Not CTENot CTE Code 5,6,7,E

See kb article Auto Calculation of CTE and Program of Study Codes for further information

Updated on 04/30/2024

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