The Summary of Finance – Student Data Summary report was released in January, 2023.

Summary: This report is intended to provide a single report view of the Student PEIMS Data required for completion of the Summary of Finance(SOF) templates: TEA State Aid Template 2022-2025 or Omar Garcia’s SOF template
Usage: Use aide to review and complete the student inputs for the Summary of Finance (SOF) templates. The report layout follows the TEA State Aid Template which closely aligns to Omar’s template. The report is a monitoring tool for current year projections as of latest required data sources loaded in ODS. A 2 year default view is provided for tracking last year to current year changes.
The baseline year available is 2021-2022when the new CTE FTE Tier funding was implemented.
The drilldown provided on this report layout will link to the respective Student Funding Detail Report. For additional details and analysis with filters, and drilldowns utilize the Finance : Summary of Finance (SOF) Reports – Student Funding Detail Reports for the respective data set (ADA, FTE, etc).

Prior year values are based upon the prior school year Final Summer PEIMS file loaded in ODS, assumed to be the cumulative totals for the full year.
Current year values will be based upon the latest current year Summer PEIMS file loaded in ODS (which could include partial six weeks data). Unless the Finance Reporting Period Override has been set.
Tools – Finance Reporting Period Override

Reference the Report Info (under Tools) for full details on data sources, calculations and special features.
Here are a few spotlights:
Year Filter – if data is loaded for 21-22 through 23-24 you may add a 3rd year to the comparison:

Hide Difference Columns (toggles to Show Difference Columns): Allows you to toggle the difference and % change columns off and on.

Show Weighted Rows (toggles to Hid Weighted Rows) – adds highlighted rows in the Special Education FTE section with the Weighted calculation for each instructional setting grouping.