STAAR 3-8 Academic Performance to Discipline Correlation #
Summary: This report displays 3 years of longitudinal disciplinary data along with STAAR 3-8 achievement levels for math and reading with breakdowns by gender, ethnicity, and special programs (at risk, special education, economic disadvantage, LEP).
Note: Same report exists under the Assessment>STAAR Grades 3-8>STAAR 3-8 & PEIMS folder and the Student>Student Custom Reports>Disciplinary Reports>Action Summary folder.
Usage: Use this report to analyze correlations between STAAR achievement levels and disciplinary incidents.
Special Notes:
- Counts are based on students having a STAAR 3-8 achievement level in the appropriate subject
- Both STAAR 3-8 and PEIMS Summer Discipline files must be loaded in order for counts to display
Data Source(s):
- STAAR 3-8
- Math
- Reading
- PEIMS Fall
- 40100 – Student Extension
- E0919 At Risk Indicator Code
- 40100 – Student Extension
- PEIMS Summer
- 40100 – Student Extension
- E0785 Economic Disadvantage Code
- E0790 LEP Indicator Code
- 40110 – Student Program Extension
- E0794 Special Ed Indicator Code
- 44425 – Discipline Action Extension
- E1005 Disciplinary Action Code
- 44425 – Discipline Incident Extension
- E1016 Disciplinary Incident Number
- 40100 – Student Extension
- Base file is STAAR 3-8 students for Math and Reading
- # Disciplinary Students = Unique count of students for appropriate disciplinary action codes (E1005)
- # Disciplinary Incidents = Unique count on student id/disciplinary incident number (E1016) for appropriate disciplinary action codes (E1005)
- Note: If multiple students associated with single incident, each student is counted once
- Gender and Ethnicity breakout columns are based on summer PEIMS enrollment
- Disciplinary At Risk (Fall) = E0919 At Risk Indicator Code = 1
- Disciplinary Special Education = E0794 Summer Special Ed Indicator Code = 1
- Disciplinary Economic Disadvantage = E0785 Summer Economic Disadvantage Code > 00
- Disciplinary LEP = E0790 Summer LEP Indicator Code = 1
- STAAR 3-8 Math and Reading Percentage by Achievement Level
- # Disciplinary students / Number of students in each achievement level
- Note: Retesters count in highest level achieved
- # Disciplinary students / Number of students in each achievement level
- Filter on:
- Single select Discipline Action Groups
- Total (Default) – All action codes
- ISS – E1005 Disciplinary Action Code = 06 or 26
- OSS – E1005 Disciplinary Action Code = 05 or 25
- DAEP – E1005 Disciplinary Action Code = 03, 04, 07, 08, 10, 14, 52, 53, 55 or 57
- JJAEP – E1005 Disciplinary Action Code = 02, 12, 13, 15, 60, or 61
- Multi-select Student Category (Default All)
- Total
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- At Risk
- Special Education
- Economic Disadvantage
- Multi-select Year (Default most recent 3 years based on STAAR)
- Single select Campus
- Based on STAAR 3-8 Campus
- District (Default) – All campuses summed together
- Individual Campus
- Multi-select Grade
- Based on STAAR Grade Level Test (03-08)
- All Grades (Default) – All grades summed together
- Single select Discipline Action Groups
- Drill down on discipline or STAAR achievement levels for detailed student lists