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ACT High School All Scores Analysis for All Campuses for All Grades in 2023

Summary: This report pulls students for a particular year based on their PEIMS records and displays the All ACT scores for reading/writing and math based on all ACT administrations for those students.

Location: Assessment – ACT HS- ACT High School All Score Analysis

Usage: Use this report to review ACT all scores to evaluate retesting or other circumstances.

Data Source(s):

  • Fall and Summer PEIMS records
    • Interchange Student
      • 40100 – StudentExtension Complex Type
    • Interchange Student Enrollment
      • 40110 – StudentSchoolAssociationExtension Complex Type
    • Interchange Student Attendance
      • 42400 – BasicReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension Complex Type
  • ACT records
    • Note: Be sure all results have been loaded in the File Center>College Board>SAT area.


  • The Year filter selects the group of students based on PEIMS fall and summer reporting. If a student is in either of these submissions, they will be included.
  • Most recent PEIMS record for the year (summer first, then fall if no summer)
    • SID
    • TX Unique ID
    • Local ID
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Grade Level
    • Campus
  • SAT records for all administrations
    • Highest Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Section Score
    • Highest Math Test Score
      • Note: Scores can come from different assessment dates


  • Filter on:
    • Year (Default most recent PEIMS year loaded)
    • Grade (Default All Grades)
    • Campus (Default All Campuses with SAT results)
  • Focus List to pull specific groups of students
Updated on 05/24/2024

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