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Fall PEIMS – Finance/Staff Data Review

Report Location: Staff and Finance

Staff Custom Reports > Staff Summary Reports > Fall PEIMS Finance/Staff Data Review

Finance Custom Reports > Miscellaneous Reports > Fall PEIMS Finance/Staff Data Review

Summary: This report displays certain data from Fall PEIMS Budget and Fall PEIMS Staff submission across multiple years.

Usage: Audit Fall PEIMS data by reviewing prior year(s) reporting. Inconsistencies or measurable variances should be investigated.

Data Sources: PEIMS Fall records

  • SSAOrgAssociationExtenstion (10011)
  • BudgetExtension (20030)
  • StaffEducationOrgEmploymentExtension (30050)
  • ContractedInstructionalStaffFTEExtension (30055)
  • StaffPayrollExtension (30060)
  • StaffResponsibilityExtension (30090)


  • Year – (multi select, default is most recent two years of files loaded)
  • Campus filter – default is All Campuses
  • Material change – Year to year results exceeding the percent entered will be highlighted in the report. Default 5%

  • District PEIMS Coordinator is pulled from AskTed. If the name is incorrect, please contact your AskTED administrator to have the PEIMS Coordinator data updated in AskTED.

Budget Definitions:

  • General Fund: Fund (e0316) = 101, 102, 199 OR 420
  • All Funds: Fund (e0316) = 101, 102, 199, 240, 420, 599, 701
  • Total Revenue: Sum of budget amount where Object (e0318) in 5700 – 5999 range
  • Total Other Sources: Sum of budget amount where Object (e0318) in 7900 – 7999 range
  • Total Expenditures : Sum of budget amount where Object (e0318) in 6100 – 6699 range
  • Total Other Uses: Sum of budget amount where Object (e0318) in 8900 – 8999 range
  • Surplus (Deficit) : Total Revenue + Total Other Sources – Total Expenditures – Total Other Uses
  • General Fund Expenditures by PIC: Sum of budget amount for General Funds where the Program Intent Code (PIC) (e0320) per code (11, 21, 22,23,24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 33, 36, 37, 38, 43, 91 and 99)

SSA Definitions:

  • Shared Service Arrangement Membership: SSA Type (e0776)

Staff Definitions:

  • Payroll Summary (subtotals on Payroll Activity Code only)
    • Base Salary : sum Payroll Amount (e0425) where e0424 = 80
    • Other Supplements : sum Payroll Amount (e0425) where e0424 is not equal to 02, 13 or 80
    • Athletics (UIL & Non-UIL): sum Payroll Amount (E0425 where e0424 = 02 or 13
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: Fall Student Enrollment (count of e0757 where As of Status Code (e1002) = “B, D, F or X”) divided by Total Teacher FTE (see definition below)
  • Student/Staff Ratio: Fall Student Enrollment (count of e0757 where As of Status Code (e1002) = “B, D, F or X”) divided by Total Staff FTE (see definition below)
  • Staff FTEs
    • FTE Total – Utilizes the 30050 (Employee FTE) and 30090 (Partial/Responsibility FTE)
      • Employee FTE determines if full-time or part-time staff based upon 30050 – StaffEducationOrgEmploymentAssociationExtension
        • If the number of days employed (E0160) is greater than or equal to 187, the FTE is a decimal number created by taking the percent of day employed (E0760) divided by 100
        • If the number of days employed is less than 187, the FTE is a decimal number created by taking (percent of the day employed / 100) x (the number of days employed) all divided by 187
      • Partial FTE (PFTE) is the per 30090-StaffResponsibilitiesExtension FTE calculated as the portion of the Employee FTE that is spent in the specific role. There are four types of PFTE calculations depending upon staff type – Instructional, Non-Instructional and a mixture of the two. Reference TEA TIPS for Calculating Staff FTEs.
        • NoteFTE rounding may cause discrepancies in totals
    • FTE by Role Classification:
      • Teachers: Role ID (e0721) = ‘047’ or ‘087’
      • Professional Support: Role ID (e0721) in group (‘002′,’005′,’006′,’007′,’008′,’011′,’013′,’015′,’016′,’017′,’018′,’019′,’021′,’022′,’023′,’024′,’026′,’030′,’032′,’041′,’042′,’054′,’056′,’058′,’064′,’065′,’100′,’101′,’102′,’103′,’104′,’105′,’106′,’107′,’108′,’109′,’110′,’111′,’112′,’113′,’114′,’115′,’116′,’117′,’118′,’119′,’120′,’121’)
      • Campus Administration: Role ID (e0721) in group (‘003′,’020’) OR in group (‘012′,’028′,’040′,’043′,’044′,’045′,’055’ AND Campus (e0266) < 700)
      • Central Administration: Role ID (e0721) in group (‘004,’027’) OR in group (‘012′,’028′,’040′,’043′,’044′,’045′,’055’ AND Campus (e0266) > 699)
      • Educational Aides: Role ID (e0721) = ‘033’ or ‘036’
      • Auxiliary Staff: Reported on 30050, Auxiliary Role ID (e1594) in group ‘201’,’202′,’203′,’204′,’205′,’206′,’207′,’213′,’214′,’215′,’216′,’217′,’218′,’219′,’220′,’221′,’222′
    • Teacher FTEs by Pop Served: FTE by Role ID (e0721) = ‘047’ or ‘087) and Population Served (e0747) :
      • Regular Ed: e0747 = ’01’
      • C&T Ed: Career & Technical Ed – e0747 = ’05’
      • Bil/ESL: Bilingual/ESL – e0747 = ’02’ or ’07’
      • Comp Ed: e0747 = ’03’
      • G/T: Gifted & Talented – e0747 = ’04’
      • Spec Ed: Special Ed – e0747 = ’06’
      • Other: e0747 in group (’08’, ’09’, ’10’)
    • Contracted Instructional Staff: FTE Reported on 30055
      • By Program Intent Code (e0320)

Special Notes:

  • The TSDS report number and title is displayed to use for comparison purposes.

For additional report references in OnDataSuite on respective sections, reference the following reports:


  • Tools:
    • Export to Excel (native Excel data format – no additional report formatting)
    • Export to PDF (with formatting as on report)
    • Bookmark
Updated on 08/06/2024

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