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Fall Potential Compensatory Education – Census Tiers Miscoding

Report Location: Student > Student Data Validation > Funding Data Validation > Fall Potential Compensatory Education – Census Tiers Miscoding

Student Data Validation

Summary: This report lists Fall PEIMS students potentially miscoded and preventing them from qualifying for State Compensatory Education (SCE) Funding.

Usage: This report is intended to assist with reconciling the various student populations and reporting related to Fall PEIMS reporting for SCE funding. Review this report to verify student coding in these four areas is accurate. Students on this report may be accurately reported in PEIMS, thus they do NOT quality for SCE funding. The report is intended to assist in reviewing who those students are and why they are not funded for SCE. These students will NOT be in the counts on the HB3 Compensatory Education – Eco Dis/Census Tiers Report.

**This Report does NOT reflect the Census Block Group miscoding triggered by several Fall Fatal Edits. Clear these edits in addition to reviewing this report for a reconciliation of potential students not triggering a PEIMS edit.

Fatal Edit : 40100-0190 checks for missing Student Census Block Group numbers on eligible students: Students triggering this edit will result in potential underreported Tier counts for HB3 Comp Ed.

Fatal Edit : 40100-0191 checks for Student Census Block Group numbers reported on ineligible students:  Students triggering this edit will result in potential overreported Tier counts for HB3 Comp Ed.

Fatal Edit : 40100-0224 checks for Texas specific Student Census Block Group numbers (start with 48) are mapped to a Census Tier.  Students triggering this edit will result in assignment to Lowest Funding Tier 1.

Data Sources: 

  • InterchangeStudentExtension
    • 40100 – Student Basic Information – Student Extension
    • 40110 – Enrollment – Student School Association Extension


Each section provides a list of students not meeting the SCE eligibility due to the red highlighted coding discrepancy which may be correct.

Economically Disadvantaged Students Not Eligible – this section provides a list students not eligible to report a Census Block Group for SCE funding per PEIMS reporting guidelines. Reconcile Eco Dis Students with HB3 Comp Ed Census Tiers Report

  • Economically Disadvantaged (e0785) = (01, 02 or 99)
  • AND
    • ADA Eligibility (e0787) = (0, 4, 5 or 8) “ineligible for funding”
    • OR
    • As of Status Code (e1002) = (A, C, E, or G) “not present on Snapshot”
  • Additional information listed includes:
  • Homeless code (e1082) “should be 0 “
  • Student Attribution Code (e1000) “should not be 21 or 23”
  • Census Block Group (e1648) “should be blank” *note – if a Census Block Group is reflected on this section – this student may be on the Fatal Edit 40100-0191

Homeless Students Not Eligible – this section provides a list of homeless students not eligible for SCE funding. Homeless students eligible for SCE Tier 5 funding do not report a Census Block Group Number. (These students will not be in the Homeless count on the HB3 Comp Ed Report) Reconcile Homeless Students with HB3 Comp Ed Census Tiers Report

  • Homeless code (e1082) = (2, 3, 4, or 5) “student is homeless”
  • AND
    • Economically Disadvantaged (e0785) = (00) “not Eco Dis”
    • OR
    • ADA Eligibility (e0787) = (0, 4, 5 or 8) “ineligible for funding”
    • OR
    • As of Status Code (e1002) = (A, C, E, or G) “not present on Snapshot”
    • OR
    • Student Attribution Code (e1000) = (21 or 23) “Residential Placement Student”
  • Additional information listed includes:
  • Homeless code (e1082) “should be 0 “
  • Student Attribution Code (e1000) “should not be 21 or 23”
  • Census Block Group (e1648) “should be blank” *note – if a Census Block Group is reflected on this section – this student may be on the Fatal Edit 40100-0191

Census Block Group Does Not Map to Texas Census Tier – this section provides a list of students reporting a NON Texas Census Block Group number, therefore not funded for SCE. Verify this is not a mistyped Census Block Group number.

Bordering states Census Block Group numbers are valid in PEIMS for Arkansas “05”, Louisiana “22”, New Mexico “35” or Oklahoma “40”. Reference Fatal Edit 40100-0206.

This list reflects Out of State Census Block Group numbers that are NOT triggered by Fatal Edit 40100-0224

40100-0224If the first two characters of STUDENT-CENSUS-BLOCK-GROUP are “48”, then STUDENT-CENSUS-BLOCK-GROUP should be a valid census block group code in the Census Block Tier Mapping list.

If TX-StudentCensusBlockGroup is in Texas (48), then it should be a valid census block group code in the Census Block Tier Mapping list from TEA State Funding. If an invalid Texas census block group is reported, the student will be assigned to the lowest Tier.
  • Census Block Group Number (e1648) first two characters do NOT equal “48”
  • All other information is provided for verification the student qualifies except for the Census Block Group Number.

Residential Placement Facility Students (Eco Dis ) – Parents Do Not Reside in District – this section provides a list of specific Residential Placement Facility students who currently do not meet the SCE criteria as noted in the list. Residential Facility Students (Eco Dis) – Parents Do Not Reside in District students eligible for SCE Tier 5 funding do not report a Census Block Group Number.

  • Student Attribution Code (e1000) = (21 or 23) “Residential Placement Student – parent resides outside district
  • AND
    • Economically Disadvantaged (e0785) = (00) “not Eco Dis”
    • OR
    • ADA Eligibility (e0787) = (0, 4, 5 or 8) “ineligible for funding”
    • OR
    • As of Status Code (e1002) = (A, C, E, or G) “not present on Snapshot”
    • OR
    • Homeless code (e1082) = (2, 3, 4, or 5) “Student is homeless”


  • Single select Year (Default most recent PEIMS fall year loaded to File Center)
  • Multi select Campus (Default All Campuses)
  • Multi select Grade (Default All Grades)
Updated on 01/05/2024

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