As of October 25, 2023 OnDataSuite (ODS) updated the OnPoint File Center with automatic email notifications to the user loading the file. This feature applies to any file uploaded in the File Center. There is no configuration or settings in ODS to enable this functionality other than verify the user email is accurate on the ODS User Profile.
File Center Email Notifications Functionality:
- Emails are sent to the user’s email registered in OnDataSuite User Profile.
- Emails are sent from the [email protected] address.
- Verify your email filter is not blocking this address or flagging as SPAM.
- The user submitting the file upload will receive an email when the upload finishes.
- Emails are generated when the entire file upload process has finished. A message “File Upload process is finished” indicates the file completed and an email has been sent to the user.

- Emails sent will have the subject format “Your OnPoint upload is finished 10/24/2023 03:54 PM” (the date and time are example values here)
- When uploading multiple files at once in an upload , you will receive one email once all files have processed.
- If you submit additional files while an upload is in process, you will receive separate emails for each upload batch submitted.
- If multiple users are uploading in the same queue, each user will receive an email regarding the file(s) they uploaded when their respective upload completes.
Sample of email content and format
OnPoint has finished processing your upload. Please read below for details.
(then any other files in the batch uploaded that might have finished processing, just one file for this example)
Visit your File Center by clicking here (clicking here is an actual link that will open the client File Center)
When WON’T you get an email?
- When ODS reloads files. This occurs at times when updates are released requiring specific files be reloaded.
- If an ODS staff uploads a file or your LEA utilizes OnSync for file uploads, an email will not be generated.
- If the user does not have a valid email address in OnDataSuite, the email will not deliver.
- If an upload gets hung processing and never reaches completion, then an email will not be generated. For more details on the File Upload Status reference: