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  5. Finance Preview Mid-Year PEIMS – Report Center / Ad-Hoc Reporting

Finance Preview Mid-Year PEIMS – Report Center / Ad-Hoc Reporting

Creating Ad Hoc Reports – Finance Report Center – PEIMS – Actual – MidYear

NOTE: The year will indicate the year occurred, not the year it was reported to PEIMS.

Example: The 2021-2022 Mid Year PEIMS data will display under the 2020-2021 year.

The Finance Report Center (Ad-Hoc) is a query tool of the raw Actual PEIMS data.  The only business logic applied is when you utilize the Object filter.  If you do not filter on Object codes, there is no logic of revenue to expenditure, etc. applied to the query results.

Object Filter options:

  • Actual – Mid Year PEIMS

Criteria 1 = “Fund” + filter “199211”, etc

            Criteria 2 = “Function” + filter “11”

            Criteria 3 =  “Object” + filter “Expenditures”-6100 (payroll)

Best Practices :

  • Verify General Fund Expenditures by Function to the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures & Changes in Fund Balances.  
  • For each Major Fund group (column), Verify
    1. Revenue by type (57XX, 58XX, & 59XX),
    2. Expenditures by Function,
    3. Excess (deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures,
    4. Other Financing Sources (Uses),
    5. Net Change in Fund Balances, and
    6. Fund Balances – Ending
  • For each Major Fund group (column), verify Fund Balance amounts and classifications to the Balance Sheet, Governmental Funds.
  • Check this comparison to prior year; be sure to explain any major increases/decreases
  • Dig Deeper? NOTE: IF there are combining statements:
  • PDM2-100-003 – For each Fund Group number (1XX, 2XX, etc.), verify:
  1. Revenue by type (57XX, 58XX, & 59XX)
  2. Transfers in and Transfers Out
  3. Other Resources and Other Uses
  4. Expenditures by Function group
  • For Food Service and Debt Service (Actual Amounts), agree:
    1. Revenue by type (57XX, 58XX, & 59XX),
    2. Expenditures by Function
    3. Net Change in Fund Balance
    4. Ending Fund Balance

Compare the amounts reported in Mid-Year PEIMS for member districts in any SSAs for which the LEA was the fiscal agent and compare it to the Notes to the Financial Statements. 

Updated on 10/10/2023

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