Report Location: Under Finance and Accountability
Finance > Finance Custom Reports > Summary of Finance (SOF) Reports > CCMR Outcome Bonus > HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Graduate Funding Estimates
Accountability > State Accountability > HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) > HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Graduate Funding Estimates
Summary: This report is to assist with tracking and predicting the student counts for the HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) inputs on the Summary of Finance template. Outcome Bonus (OB) CCMR eligibility is based upon CCMR Accountability with more rigorous standards.
College Readiness CCMR Outcome Bonus if the annual graduate:
- Earns an Associate Degree by August 31 immediately following high school graduation; OR
- Achieves college readiness standards used for accountability purposes on the ACT, the SAT, or the Texas Success Initiative assessment (TSIA) in ELA and Math ; AND
- enrolls at a postsecondary educational institution by the tenth instructional day of the fall semester immediately following high school graduation;
Career Readiness CCMR Outcome Bonus if the annual graduate:
- Achieves college readiness standards used for accountability purposes on the ACT, the SAT, or the TSIA in ELA and Math; AND
- Earns an Industry-Based Certification (IBC) by August 31 immediately following high school graduation; OR
- Earns a Level I or Level II Certificate by August 31 immediately following high school graduation;

Reference TEA TAA Sept 8, 2022 related to reinstating Military Readiness in CCMR with 2023 Graduates.
Usage: This report is an estimation of annual graduates potentially meeting the CCMR Outcome Bonus requirements as defined by HB3: Economically Disadvantaged, Non-Economically Disadvantaged and Special Education. The report is as of the student graduation year which is utilized for the Summary of Finance (SOF) allocation two years later. Ex: 2019-2020 report reflects 2020 graduates which generates the 2021-2022 SOF CCMR Outcome Bonus allotment.
The report year options begin with the 2019-2020 graduates, if all data sources are loaded. The report will default to the latest graduate year loaded.
For Additional Information – reference the Frequently Asked Questions KB
Data Sources:
TEA released updated CCMR Data Sources reference on January 5, 2024. Note the Military Readiness is not using PEIMS reported Military Readiness, ODS
OnDataSuite facilitates the option to provide most of the Non-TSDS PEIMS reporting through the CCMR Early Warning System Supplemental File (Accountability).
CCMR Outcome Bonus estimates where data is not available per definitions in the Calculations section below.
- This report will depend heavily on all required files for CCMR EWS reporting to be uploaded into the system as it relies on PEIMS, SAT, ACT, TSI (Accuplacer) and Supplemental (Level 1 or 2 Certifications, Military Enlisted) data files to check who MET any of the Outcome Bonus (CCMR) requirements.
- Fall
- Leaver Reason = 01 (Graduated)
- Economic Disadvantage status (E0785) at time of graduation
- Associate Degree Indicator (E1596) any year
- Industry Certification – Post Secondary Licensure (E1640) any year
- Summer
- Industry Certification – Post Secondary Licensure (E1640) any year
- Special Education Indicator (E0794)
- Fall
- Reference the HB3 Outcome Bonus CCMR Crosswalk below for additional definitions and file dependencies.
Potential Higher Ed Enrolled students counted toward the CCMR OB Career Ready estimate:
- Maximum HE reflect 100% of students that could potentially enroll in Higher Education and meets the TSI criteria as defined in the crosswalk. This is the default estimate in CCMR OB Met calculations.
- Potential HE % xx reports the filter percentage input of less than 100% students eligible in the Maximum HE count. Allows comparison of a potential high and low value and impact on CCMR OB Met counts.
This functionality is to provide a potential prediction of students that are not currently included in the CCMR OB Career Ready or have an Associate Degree, yet they meet the OB ELA and Math TSI requirement and may generate CCMR Outcome Bonus funding if the student enrolls in a post secondary institution – higher ed (HE).
Note the message of the last time files were loaded and calculations processed at the top of the report.
- Annual Graduates – Count of Current Year Fall PEIMS 12 grade students enrolled. (Row labeled Estimated Grads 12th Grade Only)
- Annual Graduates – Count of Leaver Reason Code (E1001) = 01 Graduated from a Campus for all Fall PEIMS reported prior year graduates. (Row labeled All Grads)
- Four primary rows reflect student counts and calculations as applicable:
- All Grads = Total Annual Graduates **Note – this is the denominator on all percentage calculations
- Eco Dis = Count of Annual Graduates with Economic Disadvantage Status (E0785) = 01, 02 or 99
- Funding Threshold = 11%
- Non Eco Dis = Count of Annual Graduates with Economic Disadvantage Status (E0785) = 00
- Funding Threshold = 24%
- Special Ed = count of Annual Graduates with last reported (Fall or Summer) Special Education Indicator (E0794) = 1
- **NOTE: This count is also included in either Eco Dis or Non Eco Dis row.
- Funding Threshold = 0%
- # Grads to Meet Threshold – applies to Eco Dis, Non Eco Dis and Special Ed rows only; = Annual Graduates (for respective row) times the respective Funding Threshold.
- Funding is awarded on the number of students meeting the criteria that exceeds the threshold by category.
- Estimated: CCMR OB College Ready (Maximum HE) = Count of Associate Degree = “Y” OR (OB ELA and Math TSI = “Y” AND Estimated CCMR OB: Potential Higher Ed Enrolled = “Y”)
- Estimated: CCMR OB Career Ready = Count of OB ELA and Math TSI = “Y” AND (IBC (Industry Cert) = “Y” OR Level I or II Cert = “Y”)
- Estimated: CCMR OB Military Ready = Count of Military Ready = “Y” Reinstated with 2023 Graduates Count of external information supplied by the CCMR EWS Supplement file upload. – reporting DD Form 4 submission to TEA.
- Estimated: CCMR OB Met (Maximum HE) = Unduplicated count of students that are CCMR OB College Ready = “Y” OR CCMR OB Career Ready = “Y” OR CCMR OB Military Ready = “Y”
- Above Threshold CCMR OB Estimate (Maximum HE) = Estimated: CCMR OB Met – # Grads to Meet Threshold
- Economically Disadvantaged: Estimated Maximum HE CCMR OB MET – # Grads to Meet Threshold
- Not Economically Disadvantaged: Estimated Maximum HE CCMR OB MET – # Grads to Meet Threshold
- Special Education: Estimated Maximum HE CCMR OB MET – # Grads to Meet Threshold
- Estimated Allotment/Funding
- Funding is estimated for this count of students by the following categories Above Threshold Estimate
- Economically Disadvantaged: $5,000 per student above the threshold
- Not Economically Disadvantaged: $3, 000 per student above the threshold
- Special Education: $2,000 per student meeting the criteria
- Funding is estimated for this count of students by the following categories Above Threshold Estimate
- TSI Criteria: (per Accountability for TSIA, ACT and SAT only)
- ELA/Reading
- ELA OB = Count of students with at least one “Y” on (ELA/Reading: TSIA/TSIA2 OR ELA /Reading: ACT OR ELA/Reading:SAT)
- Mathematics
- Math OB = count of students with at least one “Y” on (Mathematics : TSIA/TSIA2 OR Mathematics: ACT OR Mathematics: SAT)
- ELA/Reading
- OB ELA and Math TSI
- Associate Degree (PEIMS) = count where Associate Degree Indicator (E1596) = “Y”
- Estimated CCMR OB: Potential Higher Ed Enrolled (Maximum HE) = count of (OB ELA and Math TSI = “Y” AND Associate Degree <> “Y” AND IBC(Industry Cert) <> “Y” and Level 1 or II Cert <> “Y”
- This calculation is to provide a potential prediction of students that are not currently included in the CCMR OB Career Ready or have an Associate Degree, yet they meet the OB ELA and Math TSI requirement and may generate funding if the student enrolls in a post secondary institution.
- IBC(Industry Cert) (PEIMS) – per CCMR Accountability rules associated with students graduation year
- Level I or II Cert (Supplement – CCMR EWS) = Count of external information supplied by the CCMR EWS Supplement file upload.
- Military Ready (Supplement – CCMR EWS) – Reinstated with 2023 Graduates = Count of external information supplied by the CCMR EWS Supplement file upload. reporting DD Form 4 submission to TEA per the Sept. 8, 2022 TEA guidance letter.
Default Report:

Four additional columns will generate on the report if the Potential Higher Ed Enrolled percentage filter is set for any percentage less than 100.

- Estimated Potential HE % xx: CCMR OB College Ready = Count of Associate Degree = “Y” AND Estimated CCMR OB HE % xx:Potential HE % Enrolled
- Estimated Potential HE % xx: CCMR OB Met = Unduplicated count of students that are Estimated Potential HE % xx: CCMR OB College Ready = “Y” OR CCMR OB Career Ready = “Y” OR CCMR OB Military Ready = “Y”
- Estimated Potential HE % xx:Above Threshold CCMR OB Estimate = Estimated Potential HE % xx: CCMR OB Met– # Grads to Meet Threshold
- Funding is estimated for this count of students by the following categories:
- Economically Disadvantaged: $5,000 per student above the threshold
- Not Economically Disadvantaged: $3, 000 per student above the threshold
- Special Education: $2,000 per student meeting the criteria
- Funding is estimated for this count of students by the following categories:
- Estimated CCMR OB HE % xx:Potential HE % Enrolled = Potential Higher Ed Enrolled percentage filter set less than 100 times the Estimated CCMR OB: Potential Higher Ed Enrolled (Maximum HE).
- Year Filter ( Default latest Fall PEIMS Leaver file loaded (Annual Graduates) and related CCMR EWS data)
- Potential Higher Ed Enrolled percentage filter (default is 100%), use to generate report comparison calculations with less than 100% estimated graduates enrolled in higher ed.
- Drill down on counts for detailed student list with all related elements to calculations.
- Tools : Export to Excel, Bookmark and Report Notes