SUMMER DASHBOARD – Available at District and/or Campus levels.

- Cumulative Information – Any student who had at least 1 day of attendance in an area listed will be included in the disaggregated count of students in various groupings. (Example- A student attended 1 day in a CTE course at any time during year, will be in the CTE Attendance count.)

- CTE V Code – Any student who has at least one 42410 record
- In the past it was by student but now it is calculated by Service ID
- In the past it was V1 – V6 but now it is only V1, V2 and V3 by Service ID assigned to different Tiers.
- CTE Service ID – Any student who has a course completion CTE service ID reported in the 43415 records.
- CTE Auto Calculation- OnDataSuite’s auto calculation of the CTE code – includes 5, E, 6, 7
Click on blue hyperlinked values to display the list of students. (Access to view student details required.)
- Days Membership – Total number of student days in membership, present, and/or absent in disaggregated areas.

NOTE: Any student enrolled, but not in membership will not be included.
Summer Dashboard – Reference KB for additional features