NOTE: To view Student Dashboard and Profile, user must have access to “Student Details”.
The Student Information/Overview tab displays Demographics / Program status / Indicator coding / and College Career and Military Readiness among other coding.

NOTE: Black Navigational List-left
Summer PEIMS / Course Completion

- Course Completion
- Displays multiple years of course completion records along with a CTE Course column coded with a check mark if Service ID is valid for CTE
- Can differ from the CTE screen because Course Completion screen lists all sequences of the course taken and the CTE Code and Program of Study Auto Calculation only considers the completed parts or Sequence Codes: 0, 2, 5, 9, D0, D2, D5, and D9.

Summer PEIMS / CTE
- Industry Certifications
- Displays multiple years of post secondary certification licensures earned with the Submission indicating when the IBC was reported
- CTE and Program of Study
- Displays multiple years of the OnDataSuite auto calculated CTE Code and Program of Study codes starting with the 2020-2021 school year
- Displays TEA Upload information if PEIMS CTE Student Roster is uploaded into File Center
- CTE Service IDs Considered For Auto Calculation of CTE & Program of Study Codes
- This section displays all service IDs considered in the auto calculation of CTE and Program of Study and lists all of the corresponding programs of study.
- Sort is by Program of Study, Year, Service ID
- Course Sequence codes will only be 0, 2, 5, 9, D0, D2, D5, D9 since the calculation only includes completed parts of a course.
- Note: Not all service IDs that are in a student’s course completion data will be displayed if they only took the first part(s) of the course and did not complete it based on the course sequence codes listed above
- Use Pass/Fail, Credit, and Level with the chart below to evaluate how OnDataSuite performed the auto calculation.
- Career Cluster is included for informational purposes only.
- SEE REPORT NOTES for additional information on requirements for each CTE Code Service IDs Considered for Auto Calculation of CTE Program of Student Codes

Summer PEIMS / CTE Attendance Multiplier Post 2021

- CTE Attendance Multiplier Post 2021
- Starting with the 2021-2022 school year, displays CTE attendance reporting by Service ID for all reporting periods’ V1 – V3 eligible days present
Summer PEIMS / CTE Attendance Pre 2022

- CTE Attendance Pre 2022
- Displays multiple years of CTE attendance reporting by V1 – V6 eligible days present by reporting period up through the 2020-2021 school year