CTE Reporting Elements in Course Completion and Summer Enrollment categories:
- CTE Code*
- CTE Service ID Credit*
- CTE Service ID Level*
- Post Secondary Certification Licensure
- Post Secondary Certification Licensure Result
- Program of Study*
- TEA CTE Code*
- TEA Program of Study*
Matches Service ID E0724 found on: TEA Approved CTE Programs of Study
Both state and regional programs of study service IDs included
Student Report Center>Summer PEIMS>Summer Enrollment
- Select Summer Enrollment category
- Select 23-24 Summer Enrollment School Years
- Add Report Criteria

- 1st Criteria = CTE Code
- No Filters
- Filter !, 4
- Filter 5, E
- Filter 6, 7
- Filter 6
- Filter 7
- 2nd Criteria = Program of Study
- No Filters
- Filter all except 000
- Mix and Match Filters
- 1st Criteria = TEA Code
- Filter away!
- 2nd Criteria = TEA Program of Study
- Green Create Report button
Student Report Center>Summer PEIMS>Course Completion

- 1st Criteria = Service ID
- Filter
- CTE Courses excluding Tech Apps AND
- CTE Technical Application Courses
- Filter
- 2nd Criteria = Service ID Grade Level*
- Filter 45
- 3rd Criteria = Service ID Servgrp*
- 4th Criteria = Service ID Subjarea*
- 5th Criteria = Service ID Subject*
Student Report Center>Summer PEIMS>CTE Career Cluster
- Pulls CTE career clusters and levels based on service IDs and program of study codes.
- Service IDs are coming from the 43415 – Course Completion Course Transcript Extension
- *This is a separate category due to the same service ID having different career clusters and or levels depending on the program of study code.

- 1st Criteria = CTE Service ID Career Cluster*
- No Filter
- Create Report
- 2nd Criteria = Program of Study*
- No Filter
- Create Report
Student Report Center>Summer PEIMS>CTE Attendance Multiplier – Post 2020-2021
- 1st Criteria = CTE Attendance Service ID
- No Filter
- Specific Service IDs
- Note: Service IDs here are different than Service IDs reported in Course Completion or Summer Enrollment. These are the Service IDs that will receive CTE funding.
- Create Report