OnDataSuite Ed-Fi Overview – Q & A (2024-2025 and Beyond) Question/Statement Answer General Ed-Fi Connections (GEFC) GEFC.1 When will OnDataSuite begin accepting 2024-2025 Ed-Fi data via API? OnDataSuite is accepting...
XML Review for 2024-2025 We are currently accepting 2024-2025 XML files IF your SIS or ERP will allow you to extract these using the...
Steps to Follow if Ed-Fi Data Not Appearing/Has Zero or Low Counts The first step that must be set up in order for Ed-Fi data to flow into OnDataSuite is to set...
Ed-Fi Rules As of 10/16/24 The Ed-Fi Rules report for Fall is now available at the Campus level through the Student level...
“What the Ed-Fi?” Workshop Series. OnDataSuite – “What the Ed-Fi?” Workshop Series. The workshops will explore the impact of the Ed-Fi transition on district data...