Add a report to LEA Cloud Sharing

1. Create an ad-hoc report and/or use drill down to create a detailed list report
2. Bookmark the report
3. Go to bookmarks page and find the report
Then either:
– Left click on the table for the row the report is on to highlight. (Do not click on the report title)
– When the row is highlighted, click on the Cloud Icon, located at the top light blue menu bar between share and edit.
– Fill out the form and click “Post”.
– Report should show up in the LEA Cloud Sharing Section
– Right click on the table row the report is on. This will open a menu
– Select LEA Cloud Sharing
– Fill out the form and click Post.
– Report should show up in the LEA Cloud Sharing Section
NOTE: This only works with reports containing index.php/report/ or index.php/l/ in the url.
- Some detailed lists are not LEA Cloud Shareable due to the way they are created. With ad hoc, drill down lists utilize the same parameters as the query to produce results. With some custom reports, however, drill down lists don’t always carry down the same parameters and, therefore, are not able to determine which students to display.
- If the following elements are a part of the criteria selection, they will not be included in the shared bookmark:
- E0212 – District ID, E0213 – District Name
- E0266 – Campus ID, E0267 – Campus Name, E0782 – Campus ID of Enrollment, E0903 – Campus ID of Residence, E1027 – Campus ID of Accountability, E1527 – District of RDSPD Service
- E0001 – Student ID, E1523 – TX Unique Student ID, E0923 – Local Student ID, E0505 – Staff ID, E1524 – TX Unique Staff ID
- E0703 – First Name, E0704 – Middle Name, E0705 – Last Name, E0706 – Generation Code
- E0975 – Instructional Track
- E1003 – Campus ID of Disciplinary Assignment, E1004 – Disciplinary Action Number, E1016 – Disciplinary Incident Number, E1037 – Campus ID of Disciplinary Responsibility
- E1032 – Campus ID of Restraint Event, E1035 – Restraint Instance Number
- E1056 – Class ID Number
Once a report is part of “LEA Cloud Sharing” functionality, options are available.

- Review ad hoc reports saved to the cloud by you or other LEAs
- Title, Author, Tags, or Date Shared
- Click on up/down arrows to sort ascending/descending
- Search finds data in any of the columns
- Action items (menu or right click on appropriate folder):
- Open – Open the report with the same parameters/filters with which it was saved on the cloud. Report can also be opened by clicking on the report title hyperlink.
- Note: Security access is applied to all reports stored in the cloud. If you try to run a report for which you do not have access, it will not run.
Save – Allows you to save the shared report to your My Bookmarks in the appropriate folder (My Reports or other folders you have built). Once in My Bookmarks, the report is no longer a shared link and you are the owner of the report.
- Note: You can also drag and drop the report to the My Bookmarks area which will open up the My Reports and any other folders you have built.
- Delete – Delete the report. Report will also be deleted for shared users.
- Open – Open the report with the same parameters/filters with which it was saved on the cloud. Report can also be opened by clicking on the report title hyperlink.
- Bookmark Info – Displays detailed bookmark information including report creator and email address.
- Right click on report rows – Open in new tab is one other feature that can be utilized when running reports. This allows the user to process the report in a separate web browser tab.