OnDataSuite is a 5 piece data warehouse solution that allows districts to securely view student information and create custom research queries based on their uploaded PEIMS, State Student Assessment, ACT, AP, PSAT, TSI, SAT files and more.
OnPoint enables users to pull data from files across years, test administrations and collections, to provide unprecedented access to multiple data sets in one system. It features PEIMS and Assessment data, but crosses over into Accountability, Federal Programs, CCMR and PBM/RDA.
OnPar provides is a powerful multiyear trend analysis and projection tool that allows you to compare your district or campus assessment and financial data side by side with other Texas districts or campuses. It provides over 1,000+ reports using the well-known public released Texas Academic Performance (TAPR) reports as its data source.
OnView provides a link for districts to display their TAPR data on their websites in an interactive graphical form.
OnBoard provides a dashboard view of key performance indicators for board members, including the HB3 Board Goal progress monitoring.
OnTarget allows district to perform statistical analysis on student test results.