6/28/2023 UPDATE: IBC 2024 has now been updated on the CCMR IBC Companion Report and the CCMR EWS report. The element now takes into account the E1733 Post Secondary Certification Licensure Result and if student only has IBCs recorded in 2022-2023 and beyond and ALL are either passed (code 02) or failed (code 03), IBC 2024 PEIMS will be N regardless of Program of Study Level.
6/12/2023 UPDATE: We are currently working on updating the CCMR IBC Companion Report and the IBC 2024 column on the CCMR EWS report to additionally look for the post secondary licensure results.
5/31/2023 UPDATE: TEA provided answers related to adding the E1733 – Post Secondary Certification Licensure Result element to the 2022-2023 logic. The following was updated for the 2022-2023 CCMR EWS report:
- 2022-2023 E1733 Post Secondary Certification Licensure Result = 01 OR Prior to 2022-2023 E1640 Post Secondary Certification Licensure Code = values in C214 (Fall or Summer PEIMS)
1/13/2023 New: TEA published that the IBC transition would be pushed to the 2023-2024 school year. Due to this, we have made a few changes to the (CCMR) College, Career & Military Ready Early Warning System report when running for 2022-2023.
- Changed IBC PEIMS column to stay the same as prior year reporting; students simply need to have an IBC reported
- Added IBC 2024 PEIMS column that is a predictive analysis for future graduates and earlier grades for next year’s IBC transition which is listed below
The following sources will be utilized for determining Y and N for IBC 2024:
- IBC to Program of Study Crosswalk
- CTE Look-Up Tables – POS Service ID Level Credit tab
- PEIMS Summer files back to 2019-2020 with course completion data – 43415
- Note:To get the most accurate data, course completion records for 2022-2023 should be loaded in the PEIMS summer file.
- PEIMS Extended Year files back to 2019-2020 with course completion data – 43415
- CTE Transfer Courses (optional – but if not loaded, possibility of student not getting IBC credit when they should)
- CCMR EWS Supplement file for students marked by the LEA
- Note: These students will still display as S in student detail lists
Steps to determine if student will receive a Y or N for IBC:
- Student has been reported in PEIMS with an IBC code in any year (called Post Secondary Certification Licensure Code in PEIMS – E1640)
- IBC code is compared to the Program of Study in the IBC to Program of Study Crosswalk Excel file
- Program of Study is compared to the CTE Look-Up Tables Excel file, POS Service ID Level Credit tab, to find all applicable service IDs and their Program of Study Level
- Service IDs are then compared to student’s PEIMS summer and extended year course completion service IDs (E0724), and if loaded, CTE transfer courses service IDs, for any year back to 2019-2020 and:
- Student marked Y if there is a match with a Program of Study Level 2 or higher
- Student marked N if there is not a match with any service IDs or the only matching service ID(s) is a Program of Study Level 1
- Note: Per emailed response from TEA, only one IBC must align according to the steps above to be considered Y
We have designed a companion report for the CCMR EWS IBC indicator to aid with explaining why a student is either marked Y or N:
Example IBC ‘Y’ walk through:
1. Kaeley Smith has IBC 812 – Texas State Florist’s Association Knowledge Based Floral Certification reported to PEIMS in the 2021-2022 school year
2. Find IBC 812 on the IBC to Program of Study Crosswalk Excel file to locate the matching Program of Study Code(s)

3. Find the Program of Study Code 45 (045 in PEIMS) on the CTE Look-Up Tables Excel file, POS Service ID Level Credit tab, to locate the matching Service IDs and Program of Study Level for those Service IDs

4. Review student’s Course Completion screen back to 2019-2020, to determine if any Service IDs match that are level 2 or higher. In this example, 13001800-Floral Design taken in 2020-2021 is a Level 3 course, therefore, this student is a Y for the IBC indicator and CCMR Met.

Example IBC ‘N’ walk through:
1. Jason Sanders has IBC 552 – Microsoft Office Specialist Word reported to PEIMS in the 2022-2023 school year
2. Find IBC 552 on the IBC to Program of Study Crosswalk Excel file to locate the matching Program of Study Code(s)

3. Find the Program of Study Code 11 (011 in PEIMS) on the CTE Look-Up Tables Excel file, POS Service ID Level Credit tab, to locate the matching Service IDs and Program of Study Level for those Service IDs

4. Review student’s Course Completion screen back to 2019-2020, to determine if any Service IDs match that are level 2 or higher. In this example, 13011400-Business Information Management I taken in 2021-2022 and 13011200-Principles Of Business, Marketing, And Finance taken in 2020-2021 are both Level 1 courses, therefore, this student is an N for the IBC indicator and CCMR Met.