Verify Data is available for current year to review. As of 24-25 PEIMS reporting, this process has moved to Ed-Fi API connections. For more details on that process and status – please reference
- Check Fall Dashboard
- Verify Year is the current year **If current year is not displaying or available to select, contact your OnDataSuite (ODS) Administrator for status of your 24-25 TEA IODS Ed-Fi data connections.
- Check for a Latest TEA Ed-Fi iODS Pull date/time stamp (lower right black menu bar) . Open the link for details on when the last pull occurred and when the next is scheduled.. **Note: Verify with your ODS Administrator the frequency of this scheduling.
- Scroll the page to verify student counts are reporting and Economic Disadvantage totals are reported under the Student Indicators section. If this data is missing, contact your ODS Administrator to have determine any known issues with your SIS or TEA Ed-Fi iODS.