Two reports are provided for review of student coding and reporting as it relates to HB3 Compensatory Education Funding.
Report Location: Finance – Finance Custom Reports > Summary of Finance (SOF) Reports > HB3 Compensatory Education Reports – HB3 Compensatory Education Eco Dis/Census Tiers Report
- Only includes students who have been reported with a Census Block Group in the Fall PEIMS Ed-Fi API promotion in OnDataSuite that meets the requirements (Eco Dis, ADA Elig, As of Status Code) PLUS Homeless students and Residential Facility out of district. Mapping of the Census Block Group and/or Homeless/Residential Facility tier reporting occurs during Fall PEIMS promotion and reflected in the report.
- If Grand Total looks significantly less than prior year or significantly higher, be sure to check the Ed-Fi Rules for Fatal edits (40100-0190 and 40100-0191). Students on these Fatal edits are not included in the HB3 Comp Ed report.

- Reference Fall PEIMS Data Reconciliation and Validation section for methods to identify additional students potentially missing from the report.
Use this report to assist with the Summary of Finance(SOF) template funding projections for State Compensatory Education.

- Defaults to Year of most recent Fall Promoted API in the File Center. *Note if you review a prior year file, the Census Tier reporting is based upon the respective year Census Block Group Mapping as posted by TEA for that year.
- Default view is by Grade.
- Total column by row for quick analysis of SCE total counts across all tiers.

The Campus Summary toggle view allows for reconciliation with the TEA Summary of Finance(SOF). *Note from this view the toggle is now Grade Summary to return to the default view.

IMPORTANT Data Validation Check on this report: Tier 1 – Census Block (Geoid) Reported – Lowest Tier Default*
- Reminder from the SCE Rules and Guidelines:
- Economically disadvantaged students’ census block groups are determined from student’s home address.
- If a Texas census block group (starts with 48xxx) and is not identified for an address (ie. new addresses/developments) and the student meets SCE eligibility, they will be assigned the lowest funded tier weight (0.225) (Tier 1) Reference Level 3 : Fatal Edit 40100-0224
- Economically disadvantaged students’ census block groups are determined from student’s home address.

Only Texas (starting with 48) Census Block Group numbers are Mapped to Census Tiers for funding in the Census Block Tier Mapping posted by TEA.
Reconciliations with TEA to Final SOF confirms students that report Census Block Group numbers from Arkansas (05), Louisiana (22), New Mexico (35) or Oklahoma (40) are NOT included in the Tier 1 default funding.

BEST PRACTICE: Drill into the total and review the Census Block Group number on each student in the list.

- Tips on analyzing :
- Sort the Census Block Group.
- Export to Excel, set filters on export file and identify how many different Census Block Group numbers are listed to investigate. (Check it with the TSDS Census Block Tool and/or on the Census Block Tier Mapping for 2025 )Preliminary)
- Verify student address and 24-25 Census Block Group number has been updated.
- Valid Texas Census Block Group numbers begin with 48, any other leading digits are out of state numbers or errors and will not be funded.
Tier 5 Auto Assigned Categories:
- Homeless students do not report a Census Block Group number. TEA automatically assigns them to Tier 5 for SCE funding.

BEST PRACTICE: Crosscheck Total Tier 5 Homeless student count with Fall Dashboard Homeless Status Total. Reference Fall PEIMS Data Reconciliation and Validation section for methods to identify students potentially missing from the report.
- Homeless: student’s assigned Tier 5 funding effective 2020-2021 based upon meeting all 5 criteria:
- Homeless (E1082) = 2, 3, 4 or 5 AND
- Economic Disadvantage (E0785) = 01, 02 or 99 AND
- ADA Eligibility (E0787) = 1, 2, 3, 6 ,7 or 9 AND
- As of Status (E1002) = B, D, F or X AND
- Student Attribution (E1000) <> 21 or 23.
2. For each student who resides in a residential placement facility in a district in which the student’s parent or legal guardian does not reside, a district is entitled to an annual allotment equal to the basic allotment multiplied by 0.2 or, if the student is educationally disadvantaged, 0.275.

- Students included in this SCE funding count:
- Student resides in a residential facility and is not regularly assigned to the LEA (parent’s do not reside in the district) (STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE = 21 or 23)
- AND Economically Disadvantaged (ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE 01, 02 or 99),
- AND enrolled on the PEIMS Fall snapshot date (last Friday in October) date (AS-OF-STATUS-CODE B, D, F, or X),
- AND eligible for ADA (ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 or 9)
- AND student is not homeless (HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE 0)
Report Location: Finance – Finance Custom Reports > Summary of Finance (SOF) Reports > HB3 Compensatory Education Reports – HB3 Compensatory Education Funding Tiers – Last Five Years