HB3 district and campus goals can be reported in the OnBoard dashboard if they have been set by an OnDataSuite system administrator from within the OnPoint system. After these goals have been set, the items explained in this section will be available to your board members to view.
The HB3 Board Goals have been updated to support the 2024-2029 district goal setting period. Districts that utilized the HB3 Board Goal system for the initial 2019-2024 years will see a drop down menu item for HB3 2019-2024. Districts that choose to use the system for the upcoming HB3 2024-2029 goal setting cycle will need to first set goals before this option will appear.

The All Students Board Goal for the three required areas of 3rd grade Reading, 3rd grade Mathematics and College, Career, Military and Readiness (CCMR) are displayed for progress monitoring under the respective Board View area.
- The default view is the District/Charter Goals.
- Campus filter provides Campus level goals.
Each of the three views contains the following information:
First year (*2024) baseline data established by the TEA 2024 Accountability Manual A-F Closing the Gaps Targets, starting on page 50. *Note: If the Baseline year 2024 does not have the asterisks, the baseline target was overridden by the LEA in the Board Goal Setting process.
5 year (future state) goals – set by local education agency (LEA)
ODS Prelim A-F: OnDataSuite Preliminary A-F data as determined from individual data files uploaded into OnDataSuite
On Track Meet: Y (Yes) if Texas Accountability Performance Report (TAPR) result is equal to or greater than current year goal. N (No) if TAPR result is less than current year goal.
On Track Exceed: Y (Yes) if TAPR result is greater than next year goal. N (No) if TAPR result is equal to or less than next year goal.
Final TAPR – TAPR results will be used to populate the ‘Final TAPR’ display used under the published HB3 Board Goals view. This file is dependent upon the TEA statewide publishing of the data file. Texas Education Agency (TEA) TAPR Link

Toggle Summary View
Select the Toggle Summary button and scroll down the page for a full report of the goals set for all students and the specified student groups:
- Race/Ethnicity;
- Economic Disadvantaged;
- English Language – EL (Current and Monitored);
- Special Education – Special Ed (Current) and Special Ed (Former);
- Continuously Enrolled – Cont Enrolled;
- Non-Continuously Enrolled – Non-Cont Enrolled.