Results Driven Accountability (RDA) – Required File Uploads

OnDataSuite File Center
Before you begin using OnPoint to review your Results Driven Accountability (RDA) reports, you need to confirm that all of the necessary assessment and PEIMS data files have been uploaded into your OnDataSuite file center. Users are encouraged to locate and upload all assessment files to include any updated files received as they become available

Required file uploads

Loading PEIMS, TELPAS, TELPAS ALT,  STAAR 3-8, STAAR 3-8 ALT and EOC, EOC Alt Data Files

To upload  all PEIMS and assessment data files first click on the ‘file center’ link located at the top of the screen in the black menu bar then click on the ‘Data Sources’ link located in the black sub-menu bar.

Next, click on the related assessment blue button to initiate the upload process or to view the files that have been currently uploaded into the system.

Always Review Uploaded Files Prior to Upload
Once you have clicked the blue button you can review the files that have already been uploaded into the system by scrolling down to the bottom of the page. You should see a list of all the files that have been uploaded by date. You will also see the administrator that uploaded the files.  

File testing years and placement into the file center are determined by the data contained within the file and not by the name of the file.

If a file that is re-uploaded into the system is a duplicate, the system will overwrite the last file with the updated file.

Users can change the name of the file by clicking on the info link located to the right of each field name and scrolling to the bottom of that files information. There will be a ‘click to change’ button for each file.

Always Click The Blue Hyperlink To Review Latest File Requirements

Pro Tip: Always click on the blue hyperlink located just above the green upload button for timely, detailed information about each associated file you are preparing to upload. This link will tell you specifics about file type requirements as well as inform you about any related issues found with other vendor files.

Example of blue hyperlink

Upload Data Files
After you have reviewed your current files in the system, if you have determined that you still need to upload more files, click on the Green ‘Click to upload’ button and locate and select the files on your local drive that you wish to upload into the file center. You may select multiple files at one time for upload.  Assessment data files are pulled first from the associated vendors system, then uploaded into the OnDataSuite File Center.

Verify File Type Prior to Upload
Once you have selected the files you will now see a ‘selected files for upload’ box. Please take a few moments to verify that the file you are uploading is NOT zipped and that it follows the acceptable format necessary for upload.

Submitting Files into File Center
After you have verified your data files are ready for upload simply click on the green ‘Start Upload’ button. If you need to cancel the upload process and restart click on the orange ‘Cancel Upload’ button.

Updated on 07/06/2023

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